Respiration in Plants
Respiration in Plants PDF Notes, Important Questions and Synopsis
- Cellular respiration is the mechanism of oxidative break down of food materials within the cell to release energy and the trapping of this energy for the synthesis of ATP.
- Glycolysis is the common pathway seen in both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
- The net gain of ATP during glycolysis is 4 ATP + 6 ATP = 10 ATP − 2 ATP = 8 ATP
- Fermentation is the process in which the incomplete break down of glucose takes place in the absence of oxygen.
- Alcohol Fermentation: Pyruvic acid is decarboxylated into acetaldehyde and carbon dioxide in the presence of the enzymes pyruvate decarboxylase and thiamine pyrophosphate.
- Lactic Acid Fermentation: Pyruvic acid accepts hydrogen from NADH2 and forms lactic acid.
- Tricarboxylic Acid Cycle: Net ATP Gain = 30 molecules
- Total Yield of ATP from Respiration = 36 ATP
- Electron Transport System
Synthesis of ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphates in mitochondria with the help of ATP synthetase is called oxidative phosphorylation.
Processes which involve breakdown and synthesis of substances, i.e. catabolism and anabolism, are called amphibolic pathways.
The ratio of the volume of CO2 evolved to the volume of O2 consumed in respiration is called the respiratory quotient.
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NEET - Biology
Asked by melumalai920 | 10 May, 2020 09:35: AM
NEET - Biology
Asked by jhajuhi19 | 20 Jan, 2020 06:47: PM
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