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CBSE Class 12-commerce Videos

Class 12 is a crucial stage in a student’s life. The pressure of preparing for the board exams is not easy, which is why we have the right resources for learning the chapters covered in your CBSE Class 12 syllabus. At TopperLearning, we follow a tested board exam strategy which our students live by—read, revise, practise and assess.

TopperLearning’s study materials include video lessons, subject notes, sample papers, previous years’ question papers and more. To understand the chapters, you need to create a plan by first going through the latest syllabus which you will find here.

You must prepare your study timetable for each subject. Allot time for reading our study materials such as chapter notes. These notes will quickly take you through the key points of each chapter in the syllabus. The next step is to revise the chapters as much as possible. Also, avoid relying on mugging up the answers. And in order for you to understand better, we have video lessons which will enhance your learning experience and make studies interesting.


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Why must you study with TopperLearning?

  • Our CBSE 12 board exam revision notes, solutions for sample question papers and other online learning resources are based on the latest CBSE syllabus.
  • You get free textbook solutions and doubt-solving sessions with experts.
  • Our video notes and in-video assessments are ideal for quick revision of topics.
  • Our well-written study materials will support you to score more marks in the board exams.

CBSE Class 12-commerce Frequently Asked Questions

TopperLearning’s Most Important Questions or MIQs comprise the most important questions with model answers to help students with targeted revision before the exams.

TopperLearning’s intense practice and revision-based study materials ensure that if students follow every instruction, they will clear their exams with flying colours.

You can read our chapter summaries or revision notes for a quick brush up before your exams.

If you struggle to understand a concept, you can refer to our video lessons. And if you still have doubts, you can use our Ask a Doubt – Ask the Expert forum.

TopperLearning has 950+ video lessons, 200+ revision notes, 8500+ questions and 15+ sample papers (including CBSE Class 12 sample papers 2019) for CBSE students. The study materials at TopperLearning are designed to give you clarity of the concepts that you study in class.