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CBSE Class 12-science Biology Videos
Reproduction in Organisms
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Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction in Organisms, Asexual Reproduction -
Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction in Organisms, Sexual Reproduction -
Reproduction in Organisms
Reproduction in Organisms, Sexual Reproduction -
Gemmae Formation
This video explains the concept of gemmae formation. -
This video explains the concept of sporulation.
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
This video talks about the techniques of artificial hybridisation in pla... -
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Double Fertilisation, Post Fertili... -
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Double Fertilisation, Post Fertili... -
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Double Fertilisation, Post Fertili... -
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants, Pollination
Human Reproduction
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Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction, Male and Female Reproductive System -
Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction, Fertilisation, Embryonic Development and Parturition -
Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction, Gametogenesis and Menstrual Cycle -
Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction, Male and Female Reproductive System -
Human Reproduction
Human Reproduction, Male and Female Reproductive System
Reproductive Health
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Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health, Population Explosion and Birth Control -
Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infertility -
Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health, Population Explosion and Birth Control -
Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health, Population Explosion and Birth Control -
Reproductive Health
Reproductive Health, Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infertility
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
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Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Mutations and Genetic Disorders -
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Mendel's Laws of Inheritance -
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Mendel's Laws of Inheritance -
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Mutations and Genetic Disorders -
Principles of Inheritance and Variation
Principles of Inheritance and Variation, Mendel's Laws of Inheritance
Molecular Basis of Inheritance
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Molecular Basis of Inheritance
Molecular Basis of Inheritance, Transcription, Genetic Code and Types of RN... -
DNA Fingerprinting
This video explains about DNA fingerprinting -
Genetic Code
This video explains about genetic code -
Post-transcriptional Modification of RNA
This video explains about post-transcriptional modification of RNA -
Mechanism of Transcription
This video explains about mechanism of transcription
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Evidences for Biological Evolution
This video explain about evidences for bilogical evolution6 -
This video explains about Neo-Darwinism -
Natural Selection
This video explains about natural selection -
Geological Time Scale of Earth
This video explains about geological time scale of Earth -
This video explains about speciation
Human Health and Disease
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Acquired Immunity
This video explains about acquired immunity -
Vaccination and Immunisation
This video explains about vacccination and immunisation -
Humoral Immune Response ...
This video explains about humoral immune response -
Innate Immunity
This video explains about innate immunity -
Disorders of the Immune System
This video explains about disorders of immune system
Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production
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Mutation Breeding
This video explains the technique of mutation breeding in developing crop v... -
This video explains the significance of technique of emasculation. -
Somatic Hybridisation
This video explains the use of polyethylene glycol in somatic hybridisation... -
Suspension Cultures
This video discusses about suspension cultures. -
This video talks about biofortification as a means for improving nutritiona...
Microbes in Human Welfare
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Biofertilisers- Azolla-Anabaena
This video discusses the use of Azolla-Anabaena as biofertilisers. -
Microbes in Curd Formation
This video discusses the uses of microbes in curd formation. -
Biofertilisers- Cyanobacteria
This video discusses why cyanobacteria are not preferred as biofertilisers. -
Microbes in Sewage Treatment
This video discusses the significance of BOD in sewage treatment. -
Microbes in Sewage Treatment
This video discusses the significance of floes in sewage treatment.
Biotechnology : Principles and Processes
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Isolation of DNA Fragments by Gel Eletrophoresis
This video explains the reasons of absence of DNA bands on agarose gel elet... -
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
This video explains the significance of different steps of PCR. -
Continuous Culture Systems
This video discusses the advantages of continuous culture systems. -
Selectable Markers in Cloning
This video discusses the significance of selectable markers in cloning expe... -
Competent Cells by Transformation
This video explains the need for competent cells in biotechnology and the m...
Biotechnology and its Applications
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Use of Proteins in Inactive Form
This video discusses the use of inactive form of proteins to microorganisms... -
Cloning Vectors- Agrobacterium tumefaciens
This video explains the characteristics of Agrobacterium tumefaciens which ... -
Bt Toxin- Significance
This video explains the effect of Bt toxin on the insects and the bacterium... -
Pseudomonas in Pollution Control
This video describes the role of Pseudomonas bacterium in pollution control... -
RNA Interference
This video discusses the significance of RNA interference in infestation of...
Organisms and Populations
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Adaptation in Desert Topography
This video discusses the adaptation of fossorial organisms in desert topogr... -
This video discusses about predation as a population intreaction. -
Gause's Principle of Competitive Exclusion
This video describes interspecific competition according to Gause's Princip... -
Population Interactions
This video describes about the features of population interactions with the... -
Population Growth Curve
This video discusses about different stages of population growth curve.
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Secondary Succession
This video discusses about secondary succession with the help of an example... -
Alpha Diversity in an Ecosystem
This video describes about alpha diversity in an ecosystem. -
Primary Producers and Tertiary Consumers
This video discusses why population of primary producers is much higher tha... -
Ecological Balance
This video factors disturbing the ecological balance. -
Secondary Productivity
This video discusses about net secondary productivity with the help of an e...
Biodiversity and Conservation
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Benefits of Biodiversity
This video discusses the benefits of biodiversity. -
Regional or Gamma Diversity
This video explains regional or gamma diversity. -
Activities in Biosphere Zones
This video discusses about the activities which take place in the manipulat... -
Rhino Conservation Project
This video discusses about the details of the Rhino conservation project. -
Ex situ Conservation
This video describes the ex situ conservation method for conservation of...
Environmental Issues
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This video describes the chemicals responsible for eutrophication of water ... -
Stabilisation Ponds
This video explains how sewage water can be converted into useful water for... -
Blue Baby Syndrome
This video discusses the causes of blue baby syndrome. -
Noise Pollution
This video discusses the Green muffler scheme for the control of noise poll... -
Global Warming
This video discusses the major gases responsible for global warming.