CBSE Class 12 science: Pollination Videos | Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants
This video talks about the techniques of artificial hybridisation in plants
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View All- A phenomenon where a male insect mistakenly identified the patterns of a orchid flower as the as the female insect partner, and tries to copulate and thereby pollinates the flower is said to be a. Pseudocopulation b. Pseudopollination c. Pseudoparthenocarpy d. Pseudofertilisation
- State any one advantage and disadvantage of pollen grains to humans.
- what is callose
- why are night blooming flowers generally white in colour?
- where is sporopollenin present in plants? state its significance with reference to its chemical nature.
- Explain how self pollination is favoured in cleistogamous flower
- mention two strategies evolved to prevent self pollination?
- Assertion :- In sun-flower family petals are modified in to pappus. Reason :- Pappus helps in dispersal of flower.
- what is callose?is callose present around the generative nucleus in microspore?
- pollen grains are haploid k but y