CBSE Class 12 Science Physics
CBSE Class 12 Physics is important for top performance in your Class 12 Board exams. Your CBSE Class 12 syllabus for Physics includes concepts such as electrostatics matter, magnetism, nuclei, atoms, electric charges, communication systems, and more. On TopperLearning, you can get free access to chapter-wise Class NCERT solutions, which play a crucial role in helping you ace your studies.
Watch our CBSE Class 12 Physics expert videos to clearly understand Physics concepts such as classification of magnetic materials, electrostatic potential energy, capacitors, etc. Whether you are confused about concepts such as integrated circuits or need help with understanding the discovery made by notable Physicists, our chapter-wise CBSE Online Class 12 video lectures can support you with conceptual clarity.
Also, learning every concept prior to final exams can be time-consuming. You can go through our revision notes to quickly revise important concepts from your CBSE Syllabus for Class 12 Science Physics. With better preparation by using TopperLearning e-learning material, you can aim for top marks in your CBSE Class 12 Physics board exams.
Physics is a subject wherein theory is as important as the application of the concepts. Simply learning the theory isn’t going to be useful to get better marks. With the help of solutions by Physics subject experts, you can understand the theory, as well as the practical use of concepts, better. The CBSE solutions on TopperLearning for Physics Class 12 include NCERT textbook solutions, sample paper and solutions, and previous year papers and solutions.
CBSE Class 12 solutions on TopperLearning present you with tips on how to write answers accurately so that you score full marks. Use the NCERT solutions for Class 12 Science Physics to learn how to solve numerical questions and answer different types of questions. NCERT solutions will assist you to solve the questions present in your NCERT Physics Class 12 textbook. For further revision and practice, you can solve the CBSE Sample Paper Class 12 on TopperLearning.
Exam fear is quite normal among Class 12 students. You can solve CBSE Online Class 12 previous year question papers and refer to solutions by experts to compare your answers. Also, remember to set a timer when you solve question papers such as CBSE Class 12 Physics Sample Papers 2020-21 and do self-assessments with the help of TopperLearning CBSE solutions. This will help you get familiar with as many accurate answers as you can.
Electric Charges and Fields
- Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
- Current Electricity
- Moving Charges and Magnetism
- Magnetism and Matter
- Electromagnetic Induction
- Alternating Current
- Electromagnetic Waves
- Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
- Wave Optics
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
- Atoms
- Nuclei
- Semiconductor Electronics
- Communication Systems
CBSE Class 12-science Textbook Solutions, Videos, Sample Papers & More
With online learning material, you are equipped to complete the revision on your own. Access to these materials 24x7 gives you the opportunity to plan your revision effectively. You can manage your time for CBSE Class 12 Physics revision and focus on those topics that are difficult for you to grasp. As you progress with your revision, you can pick a specific CBSE Class 12 syllabus chapter and use the free textbook solutions to practise more.
As you learn to manage on your own, you will feel motivated to learn more about the subject. And while you are studying, there may be times when you need more support. In such situations, our ‘Ask The Expert’ doubt solver platform and ‘Undoubt’ section will be useful for solving doubts. You will feel more comfortable resolving the most complex numericals and theory questions easily with the expert assistance through TopperLearning. To boost your confidence, use our CBSE Class 12 Physics Sample Papers 2020-21 and other similar materials for preparation.
Video lessons are a great tool for improving your knowledge. The visual representation of theoretical concepts with practical applications can make the topics crystal clear to you. If there are contents from the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 12, we don’t include them in the latest study material. Once you feel ready, assess your exam skills by taking a timed mock exam. The CBSE Sample Paper Class 12 Science Physics with solutions by experts can be easily accessed on our study portal.
CBSE Class 12 Textbook Solutions
Equip yourself with CBSE Class 12 Textbook Solutions to stay one step ahead in your preparation for the board examination. Our study portal gives you access to chapter-wise NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Science Physics for topics such as atoms, wave optics, current electricity, etc. These free textbook solutions are accessible online round the clock on TopperLearning.
Sometimes, you may have class tests or mock exams on specific chapters in your class. TopperLearning’s CBSE Online Class 12 NCERT solutions are organised in a chapter-wise format and can be quickly accessed for last-minute revision. For more support with regard to conceptual clarity, we have the ‘Undoubt’ section, a rich repository of doubts and expert solutions. We also have our doubt solver platform ‘Ask The Expert’ to support you with chapter-related queries. Our academic experts are well-equipped to resolve questions on topics from your CBSE syllabus for Class 12.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 12
- NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Maths
- NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Physics
- NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Chemistry
- NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Biology
- HC Verma Class 12 Physics Solutions
- RD Sharma Class 12 Solutions
CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12
Writing the board exam can become a comfortable experience with CBSE Sample Papers for Class 12. When you are preparing for an important exam, the more questions you get to attempt as per the paper pattern while studying, the better it is for you. When you attempt these questions in the CBSE Class 12 Physics Sample Papers 2020-21 by TopperLearning, you get accustomed to writing correct answers confidently.
Also, the solutions to CBSE Sample Paper Class 12 questions by subject experts, give you an opportunity to revise key topics from the syllabus. Explore TopperLearning’s NCERT solutions for CBSE Class 12 and other free textbook solutions to revise difficult syllabus concepts.
- CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for Physics
- CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for Chemistry
- CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for Biology
- CBSE Class 12 Sample Paper for Maths
There are many complex topics covered in the CBSE syllabus for Class 12. Learn each syllabus concept thoroughly with TopperLearning’s CBSE Class 12 Videos. Subject experts at TopperLearning have created video lessons so that complicated concepts can be explained in a lucid format. Animation clips make the learning experience engaging and enjoyable. Through the videos, you will understand the applications of important CBSE Class 12 Physics concepts as experts explain each concept with ample examples and demonstrations.
Our experts also give you tips to solve Physics numerical questions correctly. With TopperLearning’s CBSE Online Class 12 video lessons, you can improve your understanding of concepts, especially those which are also part of the curriculum for entrance examinations such as JEE. Competitive exams and science competitions that offer scholarships require aspirants to have high competency and thorough conceptual clarity. Recorded video lessons on TopperLearning are the best study resources. You can rewind any explanation from these videos or even watch the whole video as many times as you want until the concepts are clear. With the video lessons, you can rest assured that you are prepared to excel, be it the board exam or other important exams.
- CBSE Class 12 Video for Maths
- CBSE Class 12 Videos for Physics
- CBSE Class 12 Videos for Chemistry
- CBSE Class 12 Videos for Biology
Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 12
Get a taste of how it feels to write a board exam with TopperLearning’s Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 12. While solving these papers, set a timer according to the actual exam duration and attempt the Previous Year Question Papers for CBSE Class 12. For maximum benefit from this study resource, attempt the exam in the limited time slot as per the actual exam.
When you attempt a CBSE Online Class 12 question paper via TopperLearning for the first time, you may feel nervous. However, if you attempt the same paper multiple times, you will see improvement in your confidence with each attempt. Mock exams with past year question papers with expert solutions and CBSE Sample Papers Class 12 are great tools for mastering time management skills for your board examination.
- CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Physics
- CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Chemistry
- CBSE Previous Year Question Papers for Class 12 Biology
CBSE Class 12 Revision Notes
Once your syllabus is covered in class, you should head to CBSE Class 12 Revision Notes to prepare for class tests and the final exam. The revision notes are prepared by subject experts. In the revision notes, experts simplify the chapter concepts with detailed explanations.
You can refer to chapter-wise notes on TopperLearning to quickly revise the important points in a specific chapter any time online. Our chapter notes are also immensely useful for competitive exams preparation, as most of these exams are based on CBSE Class 12 syllabus. Refer to NCERT solutions for CBSE Class 12 and other e-learning resources to revise topics from your syllabus for each subject.
- CBSE Class 12 Physics Revision Notes
- CBSE Class 12 Biology Revision Notes
- CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Revision Notes
- CBSE Class 12 Maths Revision Notes
- CBSE Class 12 Economics Revision Notes
CBSE Class 12 Science Physics Syllabus
Get quick access to your CBSE Class 12 Science Physics syllabus and the syllabuses for other subjects in Class 12 on TopperLearning. Having access to CBSE Class 12 syllabus is just like having a roadmap of the study milestones you need to achieve in your revision journey for board exam preparation. This roadmap helps you to get an overview of all the chapters and the key topics from each chapter.
Some chapters from your CBSE Class 12 syllabus for Physics include electromagnetic Induction, Nuclei, Alternating Current, Magnetism and Matter, Current Electricity, etc. For inputs from subject experts on chapter-specific queries, take a look at our ‘Ask The Expert’ doubt solver platform. For board exam preparation, check the CBSE Class 12 Physics Sample Papers 2020-21, concept videos, and more.
- CBSE class 12 Syllabus All Subject
- CBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus
- CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Syllabus
CBSE Class 12 Science Maths: MIQ’s, MCQ's, Subjective Questions
Solve problems on your own with self-study material designed as per the latest CBSE Class 12 syllabus. Our MIQs, MCQs, and subjective questions consist of answers to various types of questions that may come in the board exam. You can progress in your studies quickly by using our CBSE Class 12 Physics study material to cover the revision of important topics from each chapter.
CBSE Class 12 Science Physics MIQs
Looking for CBSE Class 12 Science Physics MIQs? Get the key questions from each chapter with answers from TopperLearning Physics experts. Revise solutions on important topics such as Coulomb’s law, Gauss theorem, dual nature of radiation, etc. Go through answers on topics with high weightage and improve your chances of scoring top marks in the exam.
The Most Important Questions and answers by TopperLearning subject experts are in alignment with the latest CBSE Class 12 syllabus. Our notes are regularly updated to exclude the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 12. However, from the exam syllabus, you can revise the laws, formulae, diagrams, and more in Physics with our reference materials updated for your board exam preparation.
- CBSE Class 12 Chemistry MIQs
CBSE Class 12 Science Physics MCQs
To increase your board exam score, one must practise all types of questions. CBSE Class 12 Science Physics MCQs or Multiple Choice Questions can be easy to score if you have done thorough revision. With MCQs, you can become familiar with different answer choices and learn to choose the right answer. In CBSE Class 12 Physics, these questions can be used to test your knowledge of measurement units and simple Physics concepts.
Certain MCQ questions in your CBSE Class 12 Physics exam will be asked to test your ability to answers simple numerical questions. Now, preparing for these questions can be managed online with TopperLearning’s MCQs collated by Physics experts. For more practice of MCQs, check out our NCERT solutions for CBSE Class 12 and practice tests.
- CBSE Class 12 Chemistry MCQs
CBSE Class 12 Science Physics Subjective Questions
Learn to predict the direction of an induced current or calculate flux leakage in a coil with TopperLearning’s learning resources. Our CBSE Class 12 Science Physics Subjective Questions along with elaborate answers are perfect for board exam preparation. Study magnetism, electrostatic potential, and other Physics chapters at any time with our e-learning material, available 24x7 online.
Study the answers to subjective questions given by our experts to revise a particular process or the application of a Physics law. Practise the ideal solutions for questions from chapters across your CBSE Class 12 syllabus and improve your writing well in time before your exam. Also, the study materials are audited by experts to exclude content from the deleted syllabus of CBSE Class 12.
- CBSE Class 12 Biology Subjective Questions
- CBSE Class 12 Physics Subjective Questions
- CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Subjective Questions
- CBSE Class 12 Maths Subjective Questions
CBSE Class 12 Science Physics Practice Tests
Make sure you use CBSE Class 12 Science Physics Practice Tests to revise important topics from your syllabus. For example, you may have studied everything from electric charges to semiconductors, but remember, you need to test your knowledge regularly. Self-assessment is an essential part of self-study for your board exam. At TopperLearning, our subject experts have created test questions based on the syllabus to help you during self-study.
The practise tests for each chapter from your CBSE Class 12 syllabus include questions that test your knowledge of the key topics. These questions can be about resistors, electric field lines, mirage, or other concepts. When you take the tests, look out for chapters where you didn’t get a full score and revise the topics again and retake the tests to improve your preparation for the exam.
-CBSE Class 12 Biology Practise Tests
-CBSE Class 12 Physics Practise Tests
CBSE Class 12-science Physics Frequently Asked Questions
All chapters of class 12-science Physics CBSE, in the prescribed syllabus by the CBSE and based on the NCERT curriculum have their importance and weightage. TopperLearning have taken into consideration all minute details from the curriculum to ensure that the syllabus of class 12-science Physics CBSE is aligned properly. Each chapter of class 12-science Physics CBSE has various concepts that are aligned to the NCERT Learning outcomes and plays a specific role in improving outcomes. CBSE class 12-science Physics chapter list will give you an idea of the entire course curriculum coverage.
To start with Class 12-science Physics CBSE, one should clearly understand the syllabus and course structure first. Teachers will help giving an introduction and of the syllabus and ways it will help them to improve their learning levels. Once a learner slowly understands the concepts, it is recommended to initiate practice a habit. ToppeLearning can aid students to practice with tests and do a quick revision of the concepts learnt in the class with important resources like Video lessons, notes and sample papers. Practicing and revising all these resources from initial will help them understand the concepts with clarity. Nowadays, the questions are asked keeping in mind the problem solving and applications of concepts into consideration. Always try to clear the concepts of Class 12-science Physics CBSE that you do not understand. Avoid skipping topics or concepts. Revise crucial topics watching concept and problem solving videos at TopperLearning after your school or online classes or as required.
To score good marks in Physics Class 12-science CBSE, one needs to understand the concepts really well. If a learner is well aware of the core concepts then it becomes very easy to attempt problems asked on those concepts. This also motivates learners to gain knowledge and excel in studies. Once a learner has understood the concepts in Physics Class 12-science CBSE then practice should become a daily ritual as it is the key to let know about strengths and weaknesses. For subjects like Maths, practice is the key. For Science, knowing how to apply a learnt concept into daily life and problem solving is crucial. Once a learner is able to know what is happening around, can relate to the theories learnt in the books. Writing answers is also a good habit as it strengthens your communication skills and keeps a check on areas to improve which will enable scoring good marks in exams. Keep revising crucial topics watching concept and problem solving videos at TopperLearning after your school or online classes or as required.
Some students consider Class 12-science Physics chapters as interesting than Maths chapters. Actually, the interests vary from student to student as some like History chapters than Class 12-science Physics. It is very evident that most students who like Maths, chapters related to Algebra, Percentages, Profit and Loss, Trigonometry, etc. interested the most. Students who have planned for various scholarships, Olympiads or competitive exams mostly find chapters related to metals and non-metals, acids and bases, light, energy, work, power, etc. In Social Physics, students mostly find interests in stone and Iron Age history, about the medieval age, world history and India’s struggle for independence, etc. At TopperLearning you will get access to the bank of resources in the form of videos, notes, a huge question bank, Class 12-science Physics NCERT solutions etc., which will help you gain knowledge on the chapters that interest you the most. Just make sure to go through the TopperLearning Plans for your board-grade combination.