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CBSE Board Exam Analysis


It’s that time of the year when the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) conducts the all-important board examinations for Class X and XII. Across the country, students appearing for the board exams are generally filled with mixed emotions hoping for the best possible results.


The academic experts at TopperLearning conduct a quick analysis of the board paper to help students gauge their performance in the exam.


What is the paper analysis all about?

Our board paper analysis gives students a bird’s-eye view of the paper focusing on the paper pattern, difficulty level and repetition of questions from past year papers. It includes an in-depth analysis of the chapter-wise weightage of marks as well as a comparison with the paper of the previous year or the blueprint issued by CBSE. Detailed solutions for some of the difficult and tricky questions are also explained by our experts through videos. Watch them at our youtube channel : TopperLearning


But our support does not end with the analysis. Students have access to the question papers and solutions for each subject on our website. (Insert the PYP link) Not surprisingly, almost 60-70% of the questions in the CBSE board papers of Science (X), Chemistry (XII) and Maths (X) matched our list of Most Important Questions (MIQs) and questions in our Sample Papers, both of which were perused by students who have subscribed to our CBSE study packs. 

Are you interested to know more about your paper? If yes, click on the links below.


CBSE Class 10 2019 Exam Analysis: 

Name of the Paper 
CBSE Class 10 Hindi
CBSE Class 10 Science 
CBSE Class 10 Maths



CBSE Class 12 2019 Exam Analysis: 


Name of the Paper 
CBSE Class 12 Maths
CBSE Class 12 Biology 
CBSE Class 12 Business Studies 
CBSE Class 12 Chemistry 
CBSE Class 12 Accountancy
CBSE Class 12 Physics


For more details, talk to our academic expert @ 1800-212-7858.  
