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Probability Synopsis


  1. A random experiment is an experiment which produces a set of well-defined possible outcomes under identical conditions.

  2. Elementary event: Each outcome of the random experiment is called an elementary event.

  3. Sample space: The set of all possible outcomes of the random experiment is called the sample space.

  4. Event: In a random experiment, the subset of the sample space is called an event.

  5. Certain event (sure event): If a random experiment occurs always, then the corresponding event is called a certain event.

  6. Impossible event: If a random experiment never occurs, then the corresponding event is called an impossible event.

  7. Mutually exclusive event: In a random experiment, if the occurrence of any one of the event prevents the occurrence of all the other events, then the corresponding events are said to be mutually exclusive.

  8. Exhaustive event: In a random experiment, if the union of two or more events forms the sample space, then the associated events are said to be exhaustive events.

  9. Probability of an event: In a random experiment of n elementary events, if m events are favourable to an event A, then the probability of occurrence of A is denoted by P(A) and P(A) = begin mathsize 11px style straight m over straight n end style.

  10. Probability of a sure event is 1 and probability of an impossible event is 0.

  11. Addition theorem: In a random experiment, if A and B are two associated events, then
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses straight A union straight B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses straight B close parentheses minus straight P open parentheses straight A intersection straight B close parentheses end style

  12. If A and B are two mutually exclusive events, then
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses straight A union straight B close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses straight B close parentheses end style

  13. In a random experiment, if A, B and C are three associated events, then
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses straight A union straight B union straight C close parentheses
equals straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses straight B close parentheses plus straight P left parenthesis straight C right parenthesis minus straight P open parentheses straight A intersection straight B close parentheses minus straight P left parenthesis straight B intersection straight C right parenthesis minus straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight C right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B intersection straight C right parenthesis end style

  14. If A, B and C are three mutually exclusive events, then
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A union straight B union straight C right parenthesis equals straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses straight B close parentheses plus straight P left parenthesis straight C right parenthesis end style

  15. If A and B are two events, then the probability of occurrence of A only is
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B with bar on top right parenthesis equals straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses minus straight P open parentheses straight A intersection straight B close parentheses end style

  16. If A and B are two events, then the probability of occurrence of B only is
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A with bar on top intersection straight B right parenthesis equals straight P open parentheses straight B close parentheses minus straight P open parentheses straight A intersection straight B close parentheses end style

  17. If A and B are two events, then the probability of occurrence of exactly one of A and B is 18.
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B with bar on top right parenthesis plus straight P left parenthesis straight A with bar on top intersection straight B right parenthesis equals straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses plus straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis minus 2 straight P open parentheses straight A intersection straight B close parentheses equals straight P left parenthesis straight A union straight B right parenthesis minus straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B right parenthesis end style

  18. The probability that event B will occur, given the knowledge that event A has already occurred, is called conditional probability. It is denoted as P(B|A).

  19. Conditional probability of B given A has occurred P(B|A) is given by the ratio of the number of events favourable to both A and B to the number of events favourable to A.
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses straight B vertical line straight A close parentheses equals fraction numerator straight P open parentheses straight B intersection straight A close parentheses over denominator straight P open parentheses straight A close parentheses end fraction end style

  20. If E and F are two events associated with sample space S, then 0 ≤ P (E/F) ≤ 1.

  21. If E and F are the events of a sample space S of an experiment, then
    i. P(S|F) = P(F|F) = 1
    ii. For any two events A and B of sample space S, if F is another event such that P(F) ≠ 0
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses open parentheses straight A union straight B close parentheses vertical line straight F close parentheses equals straight P open parentheses straight A vertical line straight F close parentheses plus straight P open parentheses straight B vertical line straight F close parentheses minus straight P open parentheses open parentheses straight A intersection straight B close parentheses vertical line straight F close parentheses end style
    iii. P(E’|F) = 1 − P(E|F)

  22. Multiplication rule of probability for more than two dependent events, If A, B and C are three events of sample space, we have
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B intersection straight C right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight B vertical line straight A right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight C vertical line left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B right parenthesis right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight B vertical line straight A right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight C vertical line AB right parenthesis end style

  23. Two events A and B are independent if and only if the occurrence of A does not depend on the occurrence of B and vice versa.

  24. If events A and B are independent, then P(B|A) = P(B) and P(A|B) = P(A).

  25. Three events A, B and C are independent if they are pairwise independent i.e.   
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis comma space straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight C right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight C right parenthesis comma space straight P left parenthesis straight B intersection straight C right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight C right parenthesis end style

  26. Three events A, B and C are independent if
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight A intersection straight B intersection straight C right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight A right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight B right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight C right parenthesis space space space end style
    Independence implies pairwise independence, but not conversely.

  27. Bayes' theorem is also known as the formula for the probability of ‘causes’.

  28. If E1, E2, ... En are n non-empty events which constitute a partition of sample space S and A is any event of non-zero probability, then by Bayes’ theorem
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses straight E subscript straight j vertical line straight A close parentheses equals fraction numerator straight P open parentheses straight E subscript straight j close parentheses straight P open parentheses straight A vertical line straight E subscript straight j close parentheses over denominator begin display style sum from straight j equals 1 to straight n of end style straight P open parentheses straight E subscript straight j close parentheses straight P open parentheses straight A vertical line straight E subscript straight j close parentheses end fraction for space any space straight i space equals space 1 comma space 2 comma space 3 comma space horizontal ellipsis space straight n end style

Top Formulae
  1. 0 ≤ P(B|A) ≤ 1

  2. If E and F are two events associated with the same sample space of a random experiment, then the conditional probability of the event E given that F has occurred, i.e. P(E|F) is given by
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P open parentheses straight E vertical line straight F close parentheses equals fraction numerator straight n open parentheses straight E intersection straight F close parentheses over denominator straight n open parentheses straight F close parentheses end fraction Provided space straight P open parentheses straight F close parentheses not equal to 0 end style

  3. Multiplication theorem
    a. For two events:
    If E and F are two events associated with a sample space S, then
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight E intersection straight F right parenthesis end style = P(E) P(F|E) = P(F) P(E|F) provided P(E) ≠ 0 and
    P(F) ≠ 0.
    b. For three events:
    If E, F and G are three events of sample space S, then
    begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight E intersection straight F intersection straight G right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight E right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight F vertical line straight E right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight G vertical line left parenthesis straight E intersection straight F right parenthesis right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight E right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight F vertical line straight E right parenthesis space straight P left parenthesis straight G vertical line EF right parenthesis end style

  4. Multiplication theorem for independent events
    begin mathsize 11px style straight i. space straight P left parenthesis straight E intersection straight F right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight E right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight F right parenthesis
ii. space straight P left parenthesis straight E intersection straight F intersection straight G right parenthesis equals straight P left parenthesis straight E right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight F right parenthesis. straight P left parenthesis straight G right parenthesis end style

  5. Let E and F be two events associated with the same random experiment. The two events E and F are said to be independent if
    i. P(F|E) = P(F) provided P(E) ≠ 0 and
    ii. P(E|F) = P(E) provided P(F) ≠ 0
    iii. begin mathsize 11px style straight P left parenthesis straight E intersection straight F right parenthesis end style = P(E).P(F)
  6. Theorem of total probability
    Let {E1, E2,...,En} be a partition of the sample space S, and suppose that each of the events E1, E2, ... En has non-zero probability of occurrence. Let A be any event associated with S, then
    P(A) = P(E1) P(A|E1) + P(E2) P(A|E2) + ... +  P(En) P(A|En)
    begin mathsize 11px style equals sum from straight j minus 1 to straight n of straight P open parentheses straight E subscript straight j close parentheses straight P open parentheses straight A vertical line straight E subscript straight j close parentheses end style
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