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Circles: Area and Perimeter

Circles: Area and Perimeter Synopsis


  1. The distance around the boundary of the circle is called the perimeter or the circumference of the circle.

  2. Circumference (perimeter) of a circle = πd or 2πr, where d is he diameter, r is the radius of the circle and begin mathsize 11px style straight pi equals 22 over 7 end style.
  3. Perimeter of a semi circle or protractor = πr + 2r

  4. Perimeter of a quadrant = begin mathsize 11px style 1 fourth space Circumference space plus 2 straight r equals πr over 2 plus 2 straight r end style 
  5. Distance moved by a wheel in 1 revolution = Circumference of the wheel.
    Number of revolutions in one minute = begin mathsize 11px style fraction numerator Distance space moved space in space 1 space minute over denominator Circumference end fraction end style
  6. The region enclosed inside a circle is called its area.
  7. Area of a circle = πr2
  8. Area of a semi-circle = begin mathsize 11px style 1 half πr squared end style
  9. Area of a quadrant = begin mathsize 11px style 1 fourth space Area space of space circle equals 1 fourth πr squared end style

  10. Circles having the same centre but different radii are called concentric circles.
    Area enclosed by two concentric circles = πR2 - πr2 = π(R2 - r2) = π(R + r)(R - r)
    Where, R and r are radii of two concentric circles

  11. The part of the circumference between the two end points of the chord is called an arc. In the figure, arc begin mathsize 11px style AB with hat on top end style is shown.
  12. A diameter of circle divides a circle into two equal arcs, each known as a semi-circle.

  13. An arc of a circle whose length is less than that of a semicircle of the same circle is called a minor arc.

  14. An arc of a circle whose length is greater than that of a semicircle of the same circle is called a major arc.

  15. Length of an arc = begin mathsize 11px style fraction numerator πrθ over denominator 180 degree end fraction end style

  16. The region bounded by an arc of a circle and two radii at its end points is called a sector.
    If the central angle of a sector is more than , then the sector is called a major sector and if the central angle is less than , then the sector is called a minor sector.
  17. Perimeter of sector of angle θ = begin mathsize 11px style fraction numerator πrθ over denominator 180 degree end fraction plus 2 straight r end style

  18. Area of a sector of angle θ = begin mathsize 11px style fraction numerator πr squared straight theta over denominator 360 degree end fraction end style
  19. Area of major sector = πr2 – Area of minor sector
  20. A chord divides the interior of a circle into two parts, each called a segment.
    The segment which is smaller than the portion of semi-circle is called the minor segment and the segment which is larger than the portion of semi-circle is called the major segment. In the circle shown, the yellow portion is the minor segment while the non-shaded portion is the major segment.
  21. Perimeter of segment of angle θ = begin mathsize 11px style fraction numerator πrθ over denominator 180 degree end fraction plus top enclose AB end style
  22. Area of minor segment = Area of sector - Area of ΔABC
  23. Area of minor segment can also be written as:
    begin mathsize 11px style Area space of space segment space ACB space equals open curly brackets fraction numerator straight pi over denominator 360 degree end fraction cross times straight theta minus sin straight theta over 2 cos straight theta over 2 close curly brackets straight r squared end style
  24. Area of major segment = Area of the circle – Area of minor segment
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