CBSE Class 12-science Chemistry Dimensions of Unit Cells
Prepare confidently for your board exam with the support of TopperLearning’s CBSE Class 12 Science Chemistry The Solid State – Dimensions of Unit Cells study material. We have online video lessons wherein experts take you through the chapter concepts in a step-by-step manner. With their simplified explanations, you can learn the relation between the radius of atoms and the cell edge.
Our CBSE Class 12 Science Chemistry videos will also assist you with building strategies for answering questions based on the dimensions of unit cells in your exam. After watching the video lessons, use our practice tests, question papers and textbook solutions to prepare for your Chemistry board exam.
- give a relationship between nearest neighbour distance(d),radius of atom(r), edge of unit cell(a), for fcc and BCC crystal
- what is the number of octahedral sites per sphere in a f.c.c. structure.
- Show that edge centered cube and body centered cube has 2 atoms.
- Calculate formulas if atom A forms ccp, B occupies ½ tetrahedral void & atom C occupies all octahedral void.
- Ferric oxide crystalises as hexagonal close packing array of oxide ion two out of every three one octaheddral holes is occupied by ferric ions.derive the formula of ferric oxide .
- How do we identify primitive and centered cell.
- Distinguish between Triclinic and monoclinic unit cell.
- Name all the primitive unit cell in which all 3 sides are different.
- Element crystallizes as BCC. How many atom will be present in the unit cell of the element.
- Aluminium crystallizes as FCC. Calculate number of atoms that wil be present in the unit cell.