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CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions
This video explains about Conditions necessary for Chemical Reactions -
Chemical Reactions
This video explains about Characteristics of Chemical Reactions -
Chemical Reactions - Exam Decoded
This video contains questions on the features of chemical reactions, endoth... -
Chemical Reactions - Part 2
This video explains the electrolysis of water as a chemical reaction, and t... -
Chemical Reactions - Part 1
This video explains the chemical reaction and its features in terms of endo...
Chemical Equations
Language of Chemistry
This video explains about Balancing Chemical Equations -
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Chemical Reactions and Equations, Chemical Equations -
Chemical Reactions and Equations
Discuss chemical reactions by balancing chemical equations. -
Chemical Equation - Part 2
This video explains how to write chemical equations and represent chemical ... -
Chemical Equation - Part 1
This video defines chemical equations and explains how to balance chemical ...
Combination and Decomposition Reaction
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions, Types of Chemical Reactions -
Types of Chemical Reactions
Understand the meaning and types of combination and decomposition reaction... -
Types of Chemical Reactions
Understand the meaning and types of combination and decomposition reaction... -
Types of Chemical Reactions
Understand the meaning and types of combination and decomposition reaction...
Types of Displacement Reactions
Chemical Reactions
Chemical Reactions, Types of Chemical Reactions -
Types of Chemical Reactions
Understand the meaning of displacement and double displacement reactions. -
Types of Chemical Reactions
Understand the meaning of displacement and double displacement reactions. -
Types of Chemical Reactions
Understand the meaning of displacement and double displacement reactions.
Redox Reactions
Types of Chemical Reactions
This video contains practice questions on oxidation, reduction and corrosio... -
Types of Chemical Reactions
This video explains corrosion and its advantages and disadvantages. -
Types of Chemical Reactions
This video explains oxidation and reduction reactions with the help of exam...
Chemical Reactions
Exothermic Reactions
This video explains an assertion and reason question based on exothermic... -
Effect of Temperature on chemical reactions
This video explains dependence of chemical reaction on temperature by an...
Chemical Equations
Balancing of a Chemical Equation
This video explains a case study question based on chemical equation and... -
Chemical reactions and equations
This video deals with solved problem based the chemical reactions and equat...
Combination and Decomposition Reaction
Combination and Exothermic Reaction
This video exaplains combination and exothermic reaction. -
Decomposition Reaction
The video explains requirement of the energy in the form of heat, light ... -
Combination Reactions
This video explains the case study question based on Various chemical re... -
Combination and Decomposition Reaction
This video explains an assertion and reason question based on Combinatio... -
Decomposition reaction
This video deals with solved problem based the decomposition reactions.
Types of Displacement Reactions
Dispacement in copper and silver
This video explains the case study question based on Displacement betwee... -
Displacement Reactions
This video explains the case study question based on Displacement ... -
Double Displacement Reaction
This video explains the double displacement reaction between sodium sulp... -
Double Displacement Reaction
This video explains the double displacement reaction between hydrogen su... -
Double Displacement Reaction
The video explains the double displacement reaction.
Redox Reactions
Redox Reaction
This video explains the reaction on heating copper kept on china dish.... -
Rancidity of Food
This video explains the case study question based on rancidity of food... -
Oxidation Reduction reaction
This video deals with solved problem based the redox reactions.