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ICSE Class 10 Biology The Reproductive Organs

Discover the biological process of reproduction with TopperLearning’s ICSE Class 10 Biology – The Reproductive System – The Reproductive Organs. Understand the changes which take place in males and females during puberty. What happens during puberty? What is a menstrual cycle? What is the significance of menopause? Get answers for all these important questions while learning about the process of development of the reproductive system in human beings. Find the explanations for these questions in our textbook solutions and topic notes.

Revise concepts such as sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction by watching our Biology ICSE Class 10 Biology video lessons. Learn about the need for humans to reproduce and how the reproductive parts such as the uterus, testis, ovaries etc. help in producing offspring. Practise test questions to revise this chapter with mock tests, previous years’ question papers and sample question papers which are available on our online study portal.

Class 10 Biology The Reproductive System