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Logarithms Synopsis


 Related Terms

  • Let a, b, c are three numbers and they are related so that ab = c ; then exponent, 'b' is called the logarithm of number, 'c' to the base 'a', and  loga c= b
  • Definition of logarithm: Thus, logarithm of any number to a given base is equal to the index to which the base should be raised to get the given number.  


Important points

  • The exponential form: ab = c
  • Logarithmic form: loga c = b
  • When x0 = 1   logx 1 = 0
  • Logarithm of 1 to any base is zero. 
  •  Since,a1 =a,loga a =1
  • Logarithms to the base 10 are known as common logarithms.
  • If no base is given, the base is always taken as 10.
  • If a and x are positive real numbers, where a ≠ 1, then  alogax =x
  • For a > 0, a ≠ 1, loga x =logb y ⟹ x= y (x,y>0).
  • If a > 1 and x > y, then  loga x > loga y
  • If 0 < a < 1 and x > y, then  loga x > loga y

Laws of Logarithms
For m,n, a > 0 and a ≠ 1 

  • Product Law: The logarithm of a product is equal to the sum of the logarithms of its factors.
    i.e. loga (m × n) = loga m + loga n

  • Quotient Law: The logarithm of fraction is equal to the difference between the logarithm of the numerator and the logarithm of the denominator.
    log begin mathsize 11px style straight m over straight n end style= loga m – loga n
  • Power Law: The logarithm of a power of a number is equal to the logarithm of the number multiplied by the power.
    loga mn = n loga m
  • Logarithm of a number x to the base a is equal to 1 divided by logarithm of a to the base x.
  • begin mathsize 11px style text log end text subscript straight a space straight x space equals fraction numerator 1 over denominator log subscript straight x space straight a end fraction end style
  • begin mathsize 11px style text log end text subscript straight a to the power of straight n end subscript space straight x space equals 1 over straight n log subscript straight a space straight a end style
  • begin mathsize 11px style log subscript straight a to the power of straight n end subscript space straight x to the power of straight m space equals straight m over straight n log subscript straight a space straight x end style
  • logax = logb x loga b
  • xloga y = ylogax
  • begin mathsize 11px style text log end text subscript straight a space straight b space equals logb over loga end style
  • If logab =x for all a > 0, a ≠ 1, b > 0 and x ∈ R, then log1/a b = - x, loga 1/b = - x and  log1/a 1/b= x
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