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How to Write a High-Scoring Winter Season Essay: With Samples

To write an efficient and high-scoring winter season essay in English, you must profoundly know the winter season. You should collect facts about the winter season and compile them in your words. The more the facts, the better the winter season paragraph will be. Read here for quick tips to help you write one of the best winter season essays.

● Plan the content wisely

● Use correct spellings and grammar

● State the facts

● Highlight key points

● Keep headings and subheadings

● Frame well-balanced winter season paragraphs

● Practice writing "essay on my favourite season winter"

Below are the samples of the winter season essay that you can write in your exam depending on the word count you have been asked.

Winter season essay in English in 10 lines 

  1. Winter is one of the five seasons that occur worldwide - summer, winter, spring, autumn and monsoon.
  2. In India, the months of October to February experience winter.
  3. During winters, the days are warm, but the nights are cold.
  4. The sun rises late in the morning and sets early.
  5. Various people worldwide wear woollen clothes, socks, hats, jackets, sweaters and gloves to prevent themselves from chilling winters.
  6. Blowers, heaters and lighting fire are common ways to keep the house warm in winters.
  7. Many areas experience snowfall during the winter season, such as Himalayan regions, Darjeeling, Shimla, Dehradun, and many other hill stations in the north.
  8. Various animals hibernate - winter sleep - and come back in March.
  9. Some plants are winter-specific. They will bloom only during the winter season.
  10. Various festivals happen before, after and during winter. Diwali takes place early, Christmas takes place during, and Holi takes place after the winter.

Short winter season essay in 100 words 

The winter season starts at the end of October and continues till the end of February. It is a magical time where people gather together, sit around a warm and cozy bonfire with family and friends. Some parts of India, mainly the hill stations in the north, face snowfall. People have a good time during snowfall as they make snowmen, lay on snow and make snowballs. The winter food is delicious and full of nutrients. Many store the vegetables that occur in winter by drying or deep-freezing them, such as peas, cauliflower, etc. Different parts of the world enjoy the winter season differently with lots of love and enthusiasm. 

Short winter season essay in 200 words 

The season of cold breezes, warm days and cold nights have arrived. The days having long nights occur during winters. Though it's challenging to live in winters, it's not impossible.

The winter season has been the favourite amongst various youngsters and adults. The food, weather, and nature make them fall in love with this season. They spend more time with their family and friends, eat healthily and stay fit.

The winter season occurs right after autumn in October. The leaves are shed from the trees and come back after the winter is about to end during March. Rabi crops are sown during this time, including wheat, mustard, barley, sesame, peas and many more. They are harvested around Holi. Since these crops require less water, they are a perfect fit to be sown during winters.

The winter season creates panic for poor people. They live in slum areas with no proper house structure and woollen clothes. Some of them do not have blankets to survive in the cold climate. The same is valid for street animals. They do not have warm places to sleep.

You must take care of street animals and humans and provide them with woollen clothes, rucksacks, jute bags, or any other material that can keep them warm. After all, you must help the needy, no matter which season.

Small winter season essay in 300 words 

Winter - The favourite season for many

Winter is the coldest season out of the five seasons occurring in the world. Many people around the globe admire the essence of winter. It's a great time for family and friends to come together and spend their time happily. They indulge in various activities, such as snowball fighting, snowmen making, and others.

Food during the winter season

Various vegetables and fruits come, especially during winters. Peas, cauliflower, coriander, guava, grapes, apple, and many others, are a few among those. People like to drink hot chocolate, hot coffee, and everything that keeps them warm. People also prefer eating ginger with honey to say goodbye to the chilling winters.

How to prevent winter coldness?

Using electronic devices, such as a blower, heater, warm fans, etc., can keep your room warm throughout the day. However, that increases the cost of electricity bills. Various people use traditional methods to keep their houses warm. Dried leaves, twigs, and branches fallen from the trees are stored during summer. When the winter arrives, they burn them or light a bonfire to keep their surroundings warm.

Animals and flowers during winter

Many animals hibernate during winters, like snakes, frogs, lizards, etc. Many flowers bloom in winters, such as rose, mili, marigold, hibiscus, etc. The morning dew on the petals of flowers looks beautiful and satisfying. That makes the best reason to enjoy winters amidst nature.

Health during winters

During winters, it is recommended not to walk early in the morning. The temperature drop is not good for heart patients and many youngsters. It is mandatory to warm up by doing yoga or little exercises and then run or jog in the park. Playing sports during winters is highly recommended to stay fit and keep the body warm. Plus, do not forget to drink water. Some people often forget to drink water because they do not sweat. However, it is wrong. You should drink plenty of water and take care of your health. 


That was all for the winter season essay. Follow the tips given at the start of this article to boost your writing skills and score more than your friends in the exams.

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