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ICSE Class 10 Biology Board Exam 2024 Post Paper Analysis - 18th March

The Class 10 board exams for the Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) have been going on since 21st February 2024. Today, on 18th March 2024, ICSE Class 10 students had their last major board paper on Biology, which is relatively easy to crack among all the Science papers.

This time, the students got a gap of two days to study for the Biology paper as their Mathematics exams were scheduled just on Friday, March 15th, 2024. Today’s ICSE 10 Biology exam went without any hitches, and students felt that the paper was of moderate level, not too difficult nor too easy. No complex questions were found, and the overall paper was doable. Let us analyse the ICSE Class 10 Biology 2024 question paper and find the details.

Question Paper Structure

The ICSE 10 Biology exam comprised a two-hour theory paper with 80 marks questions and an internal assessment with practical work carrying 20 marks

We will focus on today’s theory paper worth 80 marks with a time allotted of 2 hours.

The theory paper was precisely in line with the specimen paper released by CISCE. The question paper was divided into two sections: Section A (40 marks) and Section B (40 marks). 

Section A had two main questions. Question 1 comprised 15 MCQs, each carrying 1 mark, accounting for 15 marks. Question 2 comprised 5 sub-questions, each with 5 marks, accounting for 25 marks. Section A consisted of memory-based and understanding-based questions.

Section B had six main questions of SAQ type, each carrying 10 marks. Of these 6 questions, students were expected to attempt any four questions, thus accounting for a total of 40 marks. 

In section B, every main question comprised 5 sub-questions. Of these, 1 sub-question carried 1 mark, 3 sub-questions had 2 marks each, and the remaining 1 question carried 3 marks.

This section included a mix of questions, such as ‘Expand’, ‘Define’, ‘Give the exact location’, ‘Diagram-based questions’, ‘Draw diagrams’, ‘Give reasons’, etc.

Question Paper Analysis

Based on the reviews obtained from the students and the subject experts, a detailed analysis of the ICSE Class 10 Biology paper has been tabulated below:



Overall difficulty level

Easy to Moderate

Was the paper lengthy

Not lengthy

Difficulty level of Section A

Easy to Moderate

Difficulty level of Section B

Easy to Moderate

Overall expected good score


Chapter-Wise Distribution of Marks


This year, the maximum marks, i.e., questions worth 13 marks were asked from the chapter ‘The Circulatory System’, followed by the chapters ‘Photosynthesis’, and ‘Pollution’, which accounted for 12 marks and 11 marks, respectively. The chapters ‘Chemical Coordination in Plants’, ‘Population’, and ‘Structure of Chromosomes, Cell Cycle and Cell Division’ were the least weighted chapters and accounted for just 4 marks each.

Below are some student and teacher responses to every aspect of the paper, including typology, distribution of marks, and, of course, difficulty level.

Student Feedback

  • A few of the questions were slightly tricky, but they were well-balanced.
  • Section A, including MCQs and objective-type questions, was the easiest part of the paper.
  • Section B was also manageable, with only 2-3 questions requiring analytical thinking skills.
  • Diagram-based questions were simple.
  • The exam was structured similarly to the most recent ICSE Biology specimen paper and was entirely based on the approved syllabus.
  • On average, students expect around 75+ marks in exams.

Expert Feedback

  • Overall, it was an easy paper.
  • Most questions were straightforward. 
  • This could be the highest-scoring paper compared to the Physics and Chemistry papers in the ICSE Board Exam 2024.
  • If students had followed the specimen paper provided by CISCE, they would have easily solved the questions.


It would be fair to conclude that this paper was easy to moderate in difficulty level and not too challenging or too easy. It was well-balanced, with an equal mix of hard, easy, and direct questions. Students who studied through the specimen paper shared by the CISCE could complete the paper on time. Students who had practised solving questions and had a good understanding of the concepts would be able to score 75+ marks out of 80. Today’s Biology paper was the last major board paper for ICSE Class 10 students. After months of rigorous effort and dedication, it’s time to be stress-free and relax. Students can now enjoy their summer vacations and prepare for a new life chapter after boards.

Stay tuned with TopperLearning for the next academic year's timely syllabus and curriculum updates!
