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CBSE Class 10 2020 Board Exams Cancelled

HRD Minister, Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal during a live webinar on 5th May 2020 announced that the remaining papers of the CBSE Class 10 2020 Board Exam have been cancelled. This drastic measure was taken after looking at the rise of COVID-19 cases across India.


This rule of cancellation is valid for all students except for the students in North East Delhi, whose exams were cancelled in the beginning due to riots. The ministry will be giving the students of North East Delhi a 10-day notice before they conduct exams of all the essential subjects. So, the students from that territory should stay vigilant and look out for any news or updates that they may get pertaining to the exam.


For the students who are yet to sit for exams, follow our wide study materials below:

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Sample Papers

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Previous years papers

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Mock board exam

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Revision notes

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Practice tests

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Chapter notes

CBSE Class 10 exam 2020 - Webinar


They can also follow these articles which mention some useful tips for the CBSE Class 10 Board Exam:

5 Best tips to tackle assertion and reason questions in CBSE Class 10

8 ways to Score More than 90% in CBSE Class 10 Board Exams 2020

How to Write Perfect Answers in CBSE Class 10 Social Science exam?


And students who are done with their exams and are looking for some guidance in the next step can call our TopperLearning counsellor on 1800-212-7858.
