CBSE Class 12-science Answered
Is the charge on two capacitors connected in series (one of them is filled with dielectric slab of constant K) same if they both are connected to battery having potential V ? If yes then please justify..
Asked by yashrajgharte24.12dgatl | 03 Aug, 2021, 15:31: PM

Figure shows two capacitors in series connected to a battery of EMF V .
Let capacitors made with plates A and B is air filled and the other one is filled with dieclectric material.
Anode or positive electrode of battery attracts electron from plate-A , leaving +ve charge +q on plate A.
Same amount of attracted electrons is given to plate D that is connected to the cathode or negative electrod of battery.
Hence plate D acquires negative charge -q .
Since Plate A has positive charge +q , Plate-B gets negative charge -q by induction .
Since plates B and C are metals and connected by conducting wire, plate C gets
positive charge so that conducting materials that consists of plate B , plate C and the
connecting wire have net zero charge.
In Dielectric material , surface facing the plate D gets positive +q charge by induction,
hence surface facing plate C gets negative -q charge.
Hence if series combination of capacitors connected to a battery , then each capacitor has same charge
Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 03 Aug, 2021, 20:53: PM
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