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CBSE Class 12-science Questions and Answers

Adequate preparation for Class 12 Science subjects also gives you an edge if you want to pursue engineering or medicine-related courses in reputed colleges in India. The reason is, your Class 12 Science syllabus topics are part of the syllabus of competitive exams like JEE or NEET. You can find all the necessary resources for your Class 12 exam preparation along with JEE and NEET prep e-learning materials on TopperLearning.

Now, you can quickly revise Class 12 topics with our complete textbook solutions for NCERT CBSE Class 12 Science. Our Class 12 textbook solutions cover subjects such as Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Hindi. For extra practise, our textbook solutions also consist of free RD Sharma solutions for Class 12 Mathematics. Study thoroughly by using our model answers that are created by subject experts, as per your latest Class 12 Science syllabus and exam guidelines.

Browse through our CBSE Class 12 Science resources and add these resources to your study plan as required. Practise questions from CBSE Class 12 Science Mathematics a little more or revise the most important questions in Physics multiple times. And if you come across difficulties, ask your questions through our ‘Ask a Doubt’ section to get the necessary answers. This way, preparing for your exam with some of the best Class 12 study materials right here on TopperLearning can support you in achieving the desired score in your board exam.

CBSE 12-science - Physics
can we observe interference maximum or minima on a screen if the slits are separated by distance less than a wavelength of light is used?
Asked by garganvi200812 | 04 Feb, 2025, 20:18: PM
CBSE 12-science - Chemistry
Is the metal Carbonyls are more stable than the Chilate ligands having chelate effect?
Asked by atharvsharma192878 | 01 Feb, 2025, 10:57: AM
CBSE 12-science - Maths
solve the following system of linear equations by matrix method:- 3x-2y+z=3 , 2x+y+3z=2 , -x+5y-4z=15
Asked by baldev9814311084 | 27 Jan, 2025, 05:39: AM
CBSE 12-science - Physics
What is the geometrical shape of equipotential surfaces due to a single isolated charge?
Asked by adityaforstudy373 | 26 Jan, 2025, 06:04: AM
CBSE 12-science - Physics
The flux linked with a coil at any instant t is given by magnetic field=15t^2-50t+250.the induced emf at t=3s is
Asked by s87426186 | 23 Jan, 2025, 08:39: AM
CBSE 12-science - Physics
velocity time graph can never be symmetric .is it true
Asked by pandeyvaibhav8429 | 20 Jan, 2025, 00:07: AM
CBSE 12-science - Physics
AC generator when the angle between the area vector and the magnetic field vector is zero degree then how is the current zero despite of the maximum flux
Asked by rs1273589 | 14 Jan, 2025, 13:09: PM
CBSE 12-science - Chemistry
about lanthanoid contraction
Asked by srujand190 | 14 Jan, 2025, 10:12: AM
CBSE 12-science - Chemistry
write nernest equestion for Zn/Zn+2 half cell
Asked by joshivishvesh143 | 14 Jan, 2025, 08:07: AM
CBSE 12-science - Maths
find the point on the curve y^2-x^2+2x-1=0 where tangent is parallel to x axis
Asked by bidyutprabhamohanty0 | 20 Dec, 2024, 08:22: AM