CBSE Class 8 Answered
If you press a rubber sucker on a rough surface,it does not stick to the surface, why?
Asked by rupali77060 | 19 Jul, 2022, 18:19: PM
When the rubber sucker is pressed against a flat, smooth surface, its concave rubber cup gets flattened to a large extent, pushing out most of the air from beneath it. So the air pressure inside the rubber sucker becomes very low and the much greater atmospheric pressure acting on it from outside fixes the sucker firmly on the flat surface.
This conditions are not sufficed in the case of rough surface. Thus, if we press rubber sucker over a rough surface it will not stick to the surface.
Answered by Shiwani Sawant | 21 Jul, 2022, 16:06: PM
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CBSE 8 - Science
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