CBSE Class 11-science Answered
Does shielding effect occur between atomic orbitals of the same quantum number? Explain with reasons
Asked by fishtailfever | 08 Sep, 2019, 23:00: PM
When we are talking about the same shell, electron experiences a force of repulsion due to the presence of other electrons in the same shell. This force pushes newly added electron slightly apart but since effective nuclear charge in the outermost orbit is increased, the nucleus pulls it with greater force. so force in same quantum number orbitals is negligible as compared to other repulsion and attraction.
Answered by Ravi | 10 Sep, 2019, 16:06: PM
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CBSE 11-science - Chemistry
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CBSE 11-science - Chemistry
Does shielding effect occur between atomic orbitals of the same quantum number? Explain with reasons
Asked by fishtailfever | 08 Sep, 2019, 23:00: PM
CBSE 11-science - Chemistry
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CBSE 11-science - Chemistry
Asked by badalsharma9929 | 13 Jun, 2018, 08:43: AM