CBSE Class 11 science: Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata Videos | Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom
Animal Kingdom, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Echinodermata, Hemichordata
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- Name the largest phylum of kingdom Animalia.
- What is radula? State its function.
- State different respiratory organs of animals of phylum Arthropoda.
- Name the parts of which the body of Balanoglossus is composed of.
- Name the excretory organ of Balanoglossus.
- Write any two examples of phylum Hemichordata.
- Given below are the pairs of animals and phylum which they belong to. Which out of these is not a matching pair and why? Bombyx - Arthropoda Loligo - Mollusca Asterias - Mollusca Saccoglossus - Hemichordata
- State similarities between phyla Arthropoda and Mollusca.