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JEE Main 2022 Paper Analysis - 28th July (Shift 1 & 2)

Day 4- 28th July morning shift for JEE Main 2022 was held from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, and the evening shift from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm for Paper 1 BE/B.Tech. Students can check the detailed JEE Main 28th July 2022 question paper analysis for both shifts based on students’ and experts’ feedback.

The question paper had 90 questions, and the total marks for JEE Main Paper were 300. Students had to attempt five out of ten questions in section B (Numerical Answer Type section) in each subject— Physics, Chemistry, and Maths. Also, section A of each subject had 20 multiple choice questions. The total number of questions that a student had to attempt was 75. Each question carried four marks. However, an incorrect answer would lead to a -1 negative marking.

1st Shift, 28th July 2022: Major Highlights

Candidates who appeared for the JEE Main 28th July 2022 Session 2 Shift 1 exam shared the following feedback:

● Questions were judiciously covered from all chapters of Class 11 Science and Class 12 Science syllabus.

● It was a balanced paper in terms of coverage of chapters.

● It was similar in difficulty level to the JEE Main Session 1 paper held in June. 

● As per students’ initial reaction, the paper was moderately difficult.

● Physics was the easiest of all three sections. 

● Several NCERT-based questions were a part of the Physics and Chemistry sections.

● The Maths section was tricky, hard, and lengthy. 

JEE Main 28th July 2022 Shift 1 Question Paper Analysis

The following 28th July 2022 Shift 1 paper analysis is based on experts’ and students’ feedback.





Difficulty level




Key points

Some questions had extensive calculations. The paper was lengthy.

Questions were asked from all chapters, but the following topics were given more focus:
Coordinate Geometry
Limit and functions
Straight Line


Organic Chemistry had more weight than Physical and Inorganic  Chemistry.

The following chapters were given more weightage:
Chemistry in Daily Life

Inorganic Chemistry had most of the questions from NCERT.

Questions were mostly from
Current Electricity
Modern Physics
Communication Systems

Numerical-based problems had a bit of lengthy calculations, but overall, they were moderately difficult for an average student.   


2nd shift, 28th July 2022: Major Highlights

Students who appeared for the second attempt of JEE Main 2022 summarised the question paper in the following comments:

●       Overall, the paper was moderately difficult and lengthy.

●       In terms of topic coverage, it was a balanced paper.

●       The Physics section was moderately difficult but time-consuming.

●       The questions demanded clear concepts as they were tricky. 

●       Chemistry was easy and doable in the given time frame. 

●       Maths was the most challenging section on the paper.

●       The difficulty level of NAT questions was moderate. 

JEE Main 28th July 2022 Shift 2 Question Paper Analysis

Here is a detailed 28th July 2022 Shift 2 paper analysis based on students’ and experts’ feedback.





Difficulty level




Key points

Questions based on the following chapters made the paper lengthy:
Parabola and Hyperbola
Differentiation and Integration
Sets, Limits, Relations

The following topics had more focus:
p-block elements

Several formula-based questions were present in the Physics section.

The following topics had more emphasis:
Modern Physics
Kinetic Waves

Students will soon be able to check the memory-based question papers and answer keys for the 28th July 2022 shifts. 
