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ICSE schools gear up to fight bullying

ICSE has published guidelines on prevention of bullying and ragging in a hope to restrain bullying in schools.

The Council intends to engage all students, teaching and non-teaching staff and parents in the effort against bullying, as part of the moral and administrative fabric of the school.

Some of the recommended actions against misconduct include

1. Oral/written warning

2. Suspension from attending classes/school for a specified period

3. Withholding or cancelling the results

4. Imposition of fine up to a specified amount

5. Expulsion/rustication from school in rarest of rare cases

6. The option of transferring a student from one school to another

The Council has outlined State, District and School level interventions as a systematic response to the problem of bullying. 

What is Bullying? How does it affect us?

Bullying refers to severe, unwanted, repeated, aggressive behaviour among school children. Kids who are bullied suffer from physical injuries and mental trauma. Some also go into depression or take their own life. Often victims of bullying lose interest in school and related academic activities and drop out of school.

Does bullying affect the bully too?

Yes, the person who bullies you is someone who is showing abnormal behaviour. If they continue to bully, they may become dangerous to the society as adults. A bully in school is likely to become a victim of alcohol and drug abuse. A bully can also get involve in fights and vandalism or drop out of school. A bully can grow up to become an abusive adult and mistreat their spouse and children.

How to prevent bullying?

1. Bullies will try to corner you when you are alone. If you have to go to a place such as the bathroom, canteen, etc, try taking a friend along.
2. Ignore when bullies try to tease you. Bullies want you to lose your temper. But remember you have to stay calm.
3. Always tell an adult if you are being bullied. Teachers, parents or older friends have good advice about tackling bullies.
4. Bullies will target people who are alone. So, the more friends you make the more chances you have of escaping confrontation by a bully.
5. If you see someone being bullied, try discouraging the bully by talking (not fighting) it out.Tell the teachers about it or encourage the victim to report it to the teacher or the appropriate authority. 

Communication plays a very important role in tackling bullying and bullies. It is important to pledge against bullying because bullies often want an audience and approval. If you stand with those who are bullied, the message is clear. A ‘no’ means a ‘no’. 

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