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Board Exam Jitters: One day to go, let’s do this!

The time is now. As you are milliseconds away from embarking on the adventure called Board Exams, life must be full of anxiety-filled days that makes you jittery with the thought, “What is going to happen during the exam!?!”

Honestly, there is no answer to this question, because exams are scheduled to evaluate how well you have (or haven’t) fared in an academic year. Board Exams go a step further and evaluate your readiness to take on various advanced career-oriented courses. Whether is Class X or Class XII, remember, study as much as you can and keep faith in your ability to deal with exam stress.

You are as stressed as you allow yourself to be.

Sleepless nights, last minute nervousness, loss of appetite, irritability, etc are signs that you are stressed out. You know stress can cause you to forget whatever you have studied? Experts at TopperLearning sympathise with students bogged down by exam pressure. But they say that every problem has a solution, which is the reason why civilisation has survived through all odds since millions of years. 

Topper Anti-Stress Tips


  1. Pack your bags the previous night. Have your parents cross-check your bag.
  2. Sleep early. A fresh mind will write better answers. Trust us.
  3. Eat healthy not junk.
  4. Keep your body hydrated for the brain to remain active.
  5. STAY AWAY from social networking sites. If you should use the Internet, utilise it for studying.
  6. Avoid last minute discussions on subjects.
  7. Avoid cramming your brain with last minute revision before entering the exam hall.
  8. Reach the exam hall in advance to avoid nervousness.


Topper Exam Hall Tips


  1. Breathe in deeply and breathe out all the stress.
  2. Use the first few minutes to read the question paper carefully.
  3. Mentally map out how you will solve the paper.
  4. Answer the question in order.
  5. If a question is difficult, leave space and move on to the next.
  6. Write in a neat and a readable handwriting.
  7. Calculations should be done neatly and calmly.
  8. Keep yourself hydrated during the exam.
  9. Wherever diagrams can be drawn, go ahead and use visual presentation.
  10. Check the paper once you are done answering it.


Topper Post-Paper Tips


  1. No post-mortem of the paper once it is over.
  2. If the paper was difficult, talk to a friend or family and move on.
  3. Focus on the next paper.
  4. Stay away from stimulants to remain awake.
  5. Get at least a continuous 7-8 hours of sleep during exam time.
  6. Scan through the study material when revising for the next paper.
  7. Avoid chatting with friends unless it is related to studies.
  8. Spend time with family to feel relaxed. Talk to them.
  9. Avoid excessive TV in the name of relaxation.


And most importantly, keep the after-party pending till the last paperCool!

TopperLearning wishes all students Good Luck for their examsSmile.

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