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5 Things Every Student Should Do After Exams

You’ve achieved your goals, getting the best grades, receiving your high school diploma, or finishing the year at university, and now you have all the time in the world to do whatever you want. Wait a minute, there is one problem that bogged you down – you have no clue about what you will actually do.

Notably, while pass-outs from the class will certainly start university or go for further study afterward, others may be feeling burned out with the whole university life thing. If that is your situation, then doing something that aligns with your interests can become a superb escape to reboot your mind, enjoy your temporary liberty, and find out the right you and the goal.

Here are some ideas on how to spend the weeks and months ahead:

1. Start a blog or build a website

Taking advantage of your academic timeout is ideal for you to carry out your interests that you have always desired to explore but never would have the time to do when studying. No matter what it is you like doing the most, be it travelling, cooking, taking care of animals, or styling clothes, gaining experience by maintaining a blog or building a portfolio could expose you to new opportunities and consequently evolve into a career. Making an individual website can function as a resume, but the process of creating it can be great for future job hunting.

2. Get work experience

Seize this chance & use your spare time to build your resume through work experiences like internships and part-time employment. This stage is closer to when you decide what you want to do as a career after 30 years; however, you still have the opportunity to explore different industries and roles. Practical exercises help you find what you are passionate about and interested in; thus, they are going to give you the value of inspiration and motivation about further career paths.

3. Learn a language

Practising a foreign language is not only time well spent as it helps you to develop communication skills, but it also gives you the opportunity to change your life, be it through travel or meeting a diverse crowd. In the present day, when the world is divided into one global village with a multitude of languages among the people, being proficient in multiple languages is highly valued. It can substantially increase your progress in your career. Enrol in a foreign university in order to immerse yourself completely within the culture and be better positioned to speak the language fluently.

4. Volunteer

Giving your time abroad or within your neighbourhood through volunteer work is a great way to make a significant social change while receiving personal immersion at the same time. Wherever you go and engage in giving services in different countries, conservation projects, and local shelters, volunteer work widens your outlook, and you learn a lot about how to show empathy and even grow the causes you help out.

5. Step out of your comfort zone

Test yourself to do something you’ve never before tried or your dream that has always been your long-term plan but you’ve never done it. Suppose you are venturing into the wild, forging a new business, or launching a video channel. In that case, each step of you beyond your comfort zone allows individual growth and self-discovery. Allow yourself to branch out into the areas that interest you, launch out to new horizons, and collect precious experiences that will be priceless in the long run.


Alongside the recommendations above, it is vital to ensure you also practise self-care and relaxation after the exhaustion from class 10 board exams. Find time for watching movies or television series, reading books, or indulging hobbies that make you happy. The kind of activities you pick for rejuvenating is entirely up to you; for example, playing sports, painting, and spending more time outdoors, among others.


The post-exam period is a golden opportunity for students to explore new horizons and discover their passions. Embrace the possibilities! Seize the day and try to pursue your dreams, become better than yesterday, and enjoy your day, which will lead you to the future that you will love.

If you are looking forward to preparing for competitive exams, sign up on TopperLearning. With revision notes, video lessons, mock tests, and expert doubt-solving sessions, success awaits. All the best on your journey!

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