CBSE Class 12-science Answered
what is molar conductivity
Asked by gauravrastogi577 | 16 Aug, 2022, 18:16: PM
Dear Student,
Molar conductivity is defined as the conductivity of an electrolytic solution divided by the molar concentration of the electrolyte.
That means, it measures the efficiency of a given electrolyte that conducts electricity in solution.
It is the conducting power of all the ions produced by dissolving one mole of an electrolyte in the solution.
Λm = k/c
Λm is molar conductivity.
κ is the measured conductivity (formerly known as specific conductance)
c is the electrolyte concentration.
Thus, molar conductivity and concentration of electrolyte is inversely proportional to each other.
Answered by | 17 Aug, 2022, 09:25: AM
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