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CBSE Class 10 Answered

sir can you please answer the question
question image
Asked by chintalarakeshyadav | 26 Feb, 2019, 16:40: PM
answered-by-expert Expert Answer
begin mathsize 12px style L H S thin space equals space fraction numerator tan space A space plus space s e c space A space minus 1 over denominator tan space A space minus space s e c space A space plus space 1 end fraction
m u l t i p l y space b o t h space n u m e r a t o r space a n d space d e n o m i n a t o r space b y space left parenthesis space tan space A space plus space s e c space A space minus 1 space right parenthesis
L H S space equals space space fraction numerator begin display style tan space A space plus space s e c space A space minus 1 end style over denominator begin display style tan space A space minus space s e c space A space plus space 1 end style end fraction cross times fraction numerator tan space A space plus space s e c space A space minus 1 over denominator tan space A space plus space s e c space A space minus 1 end fraction space equals space fraction numerator begin display style open parentheses tan space A space plus space s e c space A space minus 1 close parentheses squared end style over denominator open square brackets tan space A space minus space open parentheses s e c space A space minus space 1 close parentheses close square brackets begin display style space end style begin display style open square brackets tan space A space plus space open parentheses s e c space A space minus space 1 close parentheses close square brackets end style end fraction
L H S space equals space fraction numerator begin display style tan squared end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style plus end style begin display style space end style begin display style s end style begin display style e end style begin display style begin display style c end style squared end style begin display style A end style begin display style plus end style begin display style 1 end style begin display style plus end style begin display style 2 end style begin display style space end style begin display style tan end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style s end style begin display style e end style begin display style c end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style minus end style begin display style space end style begin display style 2 end style begin display style space end style begin display style s end style begin display style e end style begin display style c end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style minus end style begin display style space end style begin display style 2 end style begin display style space end style begin display style tan end style begin display style A end style over denominator begin display style tan squared end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style minus end style begin display style space end style begin display style begin display style open parentheses s e c space A space minus space 1 close parentheses end style squared end style end fraction space equals space fraction numerator 2 space s e c squared A plus 2 space tan A space s e c A space minus space 2 space s e c A space minus space 2 space tan A over denominator begin display style tan squared end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style minus end style begin display style space end style begin display style s end style begin display style e end style begin display style begin display style c end style squared end style begin display style A end style begin display style space end style begin display style minus end style begin display style space end style begin display style 1 end style begin display style space end style begin display style plus end style begin display style 2 end style begin display style space end style begin display style s end style begin display style e end style begin display style c end style begin display style A end style end fraction
L H S space equals space fraction numerator begin display style s e c squared A plus tan A space s e c A space minus space s e c A space minus space tan A end style over denominator begin display style space s e c A space minus space 1 end style end fraction space equals space fraction numerator open parentheses space s e c A space plus space tan A close parentheses begin display style open parentheses s e c A space minus space 1 close parentheses end style over denominator s e c A space minus space 1 end fraction space equals space s e c A space plus space tan A
L H S space equals space s e c A space plus space tan A space equals space fraction numerator 1 over denominator cos begin display style A end style end fraction plus fraction numerator sin begin display style space end style begin display style A end style over denominator cos begin display style A end style end fraction space equals space space fraction numerator 1 plus sin A over denominator cos begin display style A end style end fraction space equals space fraction numerator begin display style 1 plus sin A end style over denominator begin display style cos A end style end fraction cross times fraction numerator 1 minus space sin A over denominator 1 minus space sin A end fraction space equals space fraction numerator begin display style 1 space minus space sin squared A end style over denominator cos begin display style space end style begin display style A end style begin display style open parentheses 1 minus space sin A close parentheses end style end fraction space space equals space fraction numerator begin display style cos squared end style begin display style A end style over denominator cos space A open parentheses 1 minus space sin A close parentheses end fraction
L H S space equals space fraction numerator cos begin display style space end style begin display style A end style over denominator 1 minus space sin space A end fraction space equals space R H S
end style
Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 26 Feb, 2019, 17:48: PM
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