NEET Class neet Answered
electric charges and field and flux
Asked by mamathakishore4862 | 03 Sep, 2021, 07:29: AM
Electric charges are of two types , i.e., having positive sign and negative sign .
SI units for charge is +Coulomb that is abbreviated as C
Fundamental magnitude of charge is charge on electron i.e. 1.602 × 10-19 C .
Charges of same sign repel each other and charges of opposite sign attracts each other.
Force between charges is given by Coulomb's law
F = K × ( q1 q2 ) / d2
where K = 1/(4π εo ) = 9 × 109 N m2 C-2 and εo is permittivity of free space.
Electric field is force experienced by unit charge .
Since there is force of attraction or repulsion between charges that depends on their sign ,
charge distribution in space creates force on a test charge placed in region influenced by charge distribution.
This region influenced by charge distribution is known as electrostatic field .
Electric field strength or intensity of electric field is force experienced by unit test charge.
If a test charge q experiences a force F in electrostatic field , then intensity of electric field E is given as
E = F / q
SI unit of electric field is N/C
Electric flux Φ in an area A is defined as E × A = Φ , where E is uniform electric field in area A .
Using flux Φ , we describe electric field as Flux per unit area .
If electric field is not uniform , then flux Φ of electric field over a given area is given as

where the integration is performed over given area A
Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 03 Sep, 2021, 09:16: AM
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