CBSE Class 12 science: Imperfections in Crystals Videos | Stoichiometric and non - stochiometric defects in solid
Stoichiometric and non - stochiometric defects in solid
Stoichiometric and non - stochiometric defects in solid, define semiconductors & conductors. Understand magnetic properties in solids.
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- Examine the given defective crystal : X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ X+ Y- O Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- X+ Y- Answer the following questions : (a) Is the above defect stoichiometric or non stoichiometric ? (b) Write the term used for this type of defect. (c) Why do silver halides show this type of defect ?
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