CBSE Class 12 science: Sulphur and Its Compounds Videos | Sulphur and its Allotropes
Sulphur and its Allotropes
It provides information different allotropes of sulphur. Sulphhur and thier properties and structure
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- SF6 exist not OF6. Why?
Pl answer
- The incorrect order of decreasing oxidation number of S in compounds is: H2 S2 O7 > Na2 S4 O6 > Na2 S2 O3 > S8 H2 S O5 > H2 S O3 > S Cl2 > H2 S S O3 > S O2 > S8 > H2 S H2 S O4 > S O2 > H2 S > H2 S2 O8
- Why is SF6 not easily hydrolysed by water ?
- A hydride of gr 16 element is a gas and acts as a reducing agent when reacted with SO2. It has a smell of rotten eggs and is used in qualitative analysis. It forms a black ppt with Ni2+ in basic medium. It also forms a black ppt with lead acetate solution. Identify the gas and write the equations involved.
- The correct order of S—S bond length in following oxyanions is : (I) S2O42– (II) S2O52– (III) S2O6–2
- What are the allotropic forms of sulphur?
- Mention some uses of sulphuric acid.
- Draw the structure of Sulphurous acid.