CBSE Class 12 science: Batteries Videos | Batteries
This video explains classification of cell as primary and secondary, construction, working and application of dry, mercury, fuel, lead storage and Nickel cadmium cell
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View All- Give one major advantage and disadvantage of Lead storage battery.
- Write the cell reactions which occur in lead storage battery (i) when the battery is in use (ii) when the battery is on charging.
- Which cell is a device to convert the Chemical energy of hydrogen gas into electrical energy?
- Write down the reactions taking place at the electrodes of a Mercury cell. At Anode: The Oxidation of Zinc metal takes place and the Zinc ions react with the OH- ions from the electrolyte to form Zinc hydroxide.
- What are the advantages of a fuel cell over mercury cell?
- Give a one major difference between a primary cell and a secondary cell.
- Giving Cathode and anode reaction of Nickel Cadmium cell illustrate the overall cell reaction.
- Why a Dry cell is termed as dry Cell?
- What do you understand by the term "Corrosion of dry Cell"?
- A lead storage cell acts both as Electrolytic cell as well as Galvanic cell. Explain.