CBSE Class 12 science: General Study of Carbonyl Compounds Videos | General Study of Carbonyl Compounds: Exam Prep Strategies
General Study of Carbonyl Compounds: Exam Prep Strategies
Study the general features of carbonyl group, naming of aldehydes and ketones. Nomenclature of carboxylic acids.
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View All- sir/madam, in NCERT chemistry books in organic chemistry sometimes hydrolysis rxn takes places by acid and water(H2SO4 + H2O/ H3O+/H+ + H2)), base with water(NaOH + H2O/ KOH + H2O) and other times only with water(H2O) what is the difference between the three and when do we use them in rxns ? hydrolysis means breaking or cleavage of compounds using water.... am I right? request u to answer all questions pls
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