CBSE Class 11 science: Work and Energy Videos | Work, Energy and Power
Work, Energy and Power
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View All- Can you tell an example about a body having 0 velocity and still accelerating?
- mention the expression for work done
- During calculation of acceleration due to gravity above the surface of earth if we assume that there is an external force opposite to that of Earth's gravity then the cos angle will be 180 between the two forces which is negative(-1), if we put the value in the equation of dw = F.dx then the final value of potential energy is positive which is not and why??
In the problem no. 34 of concepts of physics HC Verma-1 bit(a) , why is the acceleration of block B is half the acceleration of block A? And why is it that distance travelled by block B is half the distance travelled by block A?
- A small spherical object having density 2P is placed inside the liquid of density P and connected to an ideal string of length l whose other end is kept fixed so that the object can move in a vertical cirlcle, minimum speed which must be given at the bottom to just complete the vertical circle.
- when we push the car,workdineyis 0,how
- explain about conservation of energy with problem
please solve the attached problem
- Can o get more number of conceptual questions???
plz elaborate by figure and step by step question no 5