CBSE Class 10 Chemistry Nomenclature of Organic Compounds
- what is ketone
- 2-methylpropan-2-ol is this the iupac name of this compound CH3-C CH3 OH
- Is there any rule for keeping ethyl and methyl group in left or right side of ethyl methyl ketone
- What is the full form of PAN
- What will be the structure of compouns "But-3-ene-1yne
- What are the rules of writing IUPAC names?
- Write the name and structure of an aldehyde with four carbon atoms in its molecule.
give name
- Dear sir/madame, I just learnt that ethyl is written as CH2CH3. i) Can we write it as C2H5? if not pls explain why ii) Or can we write it as CH3CH2? if not pls explain why And for NCERT is it necessary to learn to draw the structure of ethyl? if yes, pls draw the structure for me. Thank you
Write the IUPAC name along with the method to find it.