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Your Success Blueprint: The Ultimate Guide for CBSE Class 10 Preparation

Moving up to grade 10 is significant since you will take several important decisions, like deciding your stream of subjects in higher classes and also preparing for your first-ever board examination. It might seem challenging initially, but you can ace the CBSE exam easily with a solid strategy and consistency.

●       Go Through the Syllabus

The first step in strategising is understanding what you have to prepare. Go through the complete CBSE class 10 syllabus and familiarise yourself with the subjects, topics, and weightage assigned to each chapter. It will give you a clear idea of what to focus on during your preparation. Make a note of important chapters which will be crucial for the examination.

●       Create a Study Schedule

The next step is dividing time slots based on each chapter and subject. Set daily, weekly and monthly goals on how much of the syllabus you should complete by then. Allocate specific time slots for each subject, giving priority and more time to important chapters and those that require more attention. Remember to set realistic goals and start preparations in advance, so you have sufficient time to cover the syllabus with enough time to revise and practice.

●       Go Through Previous Years’ Papers

Previous years’ papers are among the biggest learning assets for CBSE class 10 examinations. You can find out several things by reviewing the last five years' papers, such as important topics often repeated in the exam, question paper patterns, topics that receive more weightage, and so on. Be sure to thoroughly review past papers and note such important information since it will help with thorough exam preparation.

●       Use Additional Study Resources

To gain a deeper understanding of concepts, you can also take the help of additional learning materials that can be found on online learning websites, such as TopperLearning. You will find a range of high-quality video lessons for important topics, revision notes for the last-moment review, sample papers for practice, hundreds of questions to ensure 360-degree preparation and competency-based questions for practice.

You can either access these materials separately according to your needs or sign up for study packages that combine and give access to all of these together for comprehensive preparation.

●       Practice, Practice, Practice

After you have gone through the curriculum once, start practising numerical and revising theoretical answers. Solving practice papers and previous years’ papers will help you incorporate enough practice, ensuring each concept is clear, and you are accurately applying what you have learned.

●       Use Smart Study Techniques

Verbal learning answers are not enough. You also need to use other learning techniques such as rewriting answers, creating brief revision notes, and making flashcards for Maths, Physics and other subjects. You can also practice mind maps and active recall to learn notes easily. These study techniques are helpful since they increase retention and ensure you thoroughly understand each concept.

●       Maintain Good Health

Regular study is important, but ensuring good health and well-being of the mind and the body is equally crucial. Remember to take breaks after studying long hours and ensure a full 8 hours of sleep at night. Getting rest helps the mind refresh as well as process and retain what it has learned for a longer period. You should also eat a balanced diet and engage in regular physical activities. Do what you love, such as a hobby, alongside studying to freshen up.

●       Stay Motivated

Maintaining a positive mindset and staying motivated throughout your CBSE Class 10 preparation is crucial. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who encourage you to go on and act as a constant source of motivation. You should also celebrate small achievements along the way, such as giving yourself rewards for completing goals on time to keep your spirits high.


It is common for students to find board exams challenging, especially when they will be taking them for the first time. By ensuring a comprehensive, thorough exam preparation, you can be sure to score maximum marks and high rankings, enabling you to choose the stream of your choice and giving wings to your academic career. TopperLearning is here to assist you with the best exam preparation every step of the way.

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