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The Role of Digital Literacy in Education and Learning

Technological expansion and the rise of a digital era are slowly pushing us towards a pathway of digital literacy. You need adequate skills to live, learn and work in a society where general communication is based on Internet platforms and mobile devices. To excel in the pattern of digital literacy, one has to focus on critical thinking skills - making it through so much information at the right time.

Nonetheless, the role of digital literacy in education and learning has steadily grown over the years. This brings us to a point where everyone needs to have a clear-cut overview of the particular concept to stay on the same page. Continue with your reading to get a full-fledged view of the role of digital literacy in learning and education.

●      Online Learning Site and Digital Literacy

The most crucial offering of digital literacy is the introduction of the concept of the online learning site. Helping students learn and understand various core concepts from their homes. It has become a ray of hope for the teachers and students, helping each in their way. From raising questions to solving sums, online education sites are a manageable constant 24 x 7. Here, one can participate in classes with multiple students and work on concepts requiring teamwork. 

●      Digital Literacy and Idealism

Moving on, digital literacy makes one understand the importance of being a good citizen from the intermediate level. Modern-day digital platforms are quite strict against cyberbullying and content plagiarism. Thus, making people understand the importance of living a contained life, which was not given adequate priority so far.

●      Digital Learning on Closing the Digital Divide 

Approximately 81% or 730,000 K-12 students resumed online classes via the Tencent K-12 Online School (Wuhan). Thus, creating a record in itself. Modern students can enroll in subjects of their own choice and apply to online distance learning. Time and space are no longer possible boundaries regarding education and learning.

●      Towards An Environment of Deep Learning and Shared Experiences

The concept of deep learning has prevailed for years, but mixing it with the foundation of digital literacy adds up to a new definition. Here is a set of six core skills in deep learning that will enhance the overall experience:

●       Creativity: The ability to stick up to opportunities and develop new ideas at the right time. 

●       Collaboration: To work collaboratively with others.

●       Critical thinking: Evaluating arguments and information critically.

●       Communication: Being able to communicate using a variety of tools and methods in the digital world.

●       Citizenship: To be able to solve problems from a diverse concept of worldview.

●       Character: Showcasing traits like tenacity, grit, resilience and perseverance, making learning an integral part of living.


The list elaborates on digital literacy's role in education and learning. Owing to its seriousness and intrinsic vibe, one cannot take the matter lightly and requires to pay serious attention for a positive output. Nonetheless, as a rising platform helping with exam preparation, one can trust TopperLearning for the best solutions online. 

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