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The New Year Goody Bag

Everyone makes resolutions for the New Year with much enthusiasm and excitement. Somewhere in the back of our heads, we also know that we are not going to keep up with most of them, but that doesn’t deter us in the least.

This year, we at Topper Learning thought of presenting New Year resolutions in a fun way, giving you the opportunity to make your own goody bag by taking your pick from our lists. You have the freedom of picking as many as you want from each list, but try being realistic and only select those resolutions which you can actually fulfil.


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First List

  1. I will be more planned and organised, especially with school work and exams.
  2. I will exercise for at least 30 minutes thrice a week without fail. A healthy body aids a healthy mind.
  3. I will be a responsible son/daughter and not worry my parents about my studies. 

Second List

  1. I will be on my best behaviour every day.
  2. At school, I will focus on things which will make me a better person.
  3. I will make and follow an exam study schedule.
  4. I will reduce my time spent on the smartphone and other gadgets.
  5. I will try to help at least two people every month. This can be in any way.
  6. I will spend more time with my parents.
  7. I will participate in at least one sport or extracurricular activity. It doesn’t matter whether I win or lose; it’s the spirit which counts.
  8. I will try to learn at least two new skills in the year.
  9. I will make an effort to be a better person every day of the year.

Third List

  1. I will do something special for my family on their birthdays.
  2. I will be kind to everyone I meet.
  3. I will read at least two books in the year.
  4. I will strengthen my friendships.

Here’s hoping your goody bag is nice and full of resolutions. Wishing you a happy, memorable and prosperous New Year!

-Esha Birnur

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