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Mastering ICSE Class 10: Your Guide with Previous Year Question Papers

The ICSE (Indian Certificate of Secondary Education examinations) decides the fate of class 10 students every year and shapes them for higher classes. The series of rigorous examinations is not something that you can just prepare for a day before. Students must work hard as ICSE holds a standard for itself and tests how much the students have learned throughout the year.

Level of Examination

ICSE has a diverse range of subjects, ranging from English to subjects like Economics, Maths, Science, and Social Science. The depth of the subject taught might even help students applying for higher education, as an ICSE certificate strengthens the application for foreign universities in the future. ICSE board exams are based on three groups in which 7 subjects are divided: Group (I), Group (II), and Group (III).

Out of 100 marks,

For Group (I) and Group (II): 80 marks for theory examination and 20 marks for internal evaluation.

For Group (III): 50 marks for external examination and the remaining 50 marks for internal examination.

Using Previous Years' Papers as Aid

The checking system for class 10 exams is surrounded by a strict grading system and a high level of difficulty as it is managed by CISCE (Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination). Students do not need to worry as they can study the class 10 syllabus in depth and practise sample papers and mock tests. Solving ICSE class 10 previous year’s question papers can be groundbreaking, and let’s see why:

Exam Pattern

The ICSE exam pattern is complicated, but solving previous year’s question papers can give an insight into how the question paper in an actual final exam would look. Factors like topic weightage of each subject and difficulty level can be clearly explained by solving these exam papers. It can lift some pressure and stress off student’s shoulders in difficult times of exams.

Speed Booster

As the group-wise ICSE class 10 exam takes place for 2 hours, it becomes critical for students to work on their speed of tackling the questions during exams. Controlling the speed and dividing the time between the questions is a wise choice, and any ICSE student can achieve this by solving the previous year's question papers and setting a timer to review your growth.

Weakness Regulation

For instance, physics is your weak point and can affect the final result of your class 10. You can look up any previous year's question paper on physics, like 2007 or 2022 ICSE papers and solve them to get a different perception of the subject. It can act as a bridge that can help you build proper strategies before final exams.

Time Management

It is a skill known by all but mastered by few. The ICSE Students can try to set a timetable for solving question papers for each subject. Consistency in solving these papers can teach them the valuable skill of time management. It can provide a structural schedule for exam preparation and help the students to boost their confidence.


Class 10 acts as a medium of transition for higher-level academics. It is a pivotal moment in every student’s life. Solving previous year's ICSE questions can help the students secure perfect marks and results in final exams. TopperLearning provides study materials for class 10 ICSE, such as video lessons, revision notes, MCQs, practice tests and much more.

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