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7 Fun Things to Do After the Exams

The exams are finally over! Study, stress and timelines are all behind us as we celebrate our new found freedom. It's holiday time, and we now have the chance to do what we've long been waiting for. While there are several ways to spend the holidays, we take you through seven enjoyable ways which can help you remember this summer. 

1. Take a Vacation

Going on a holiday with family tops our list. Many of us get back to our roots - we return to our hometown. Meeting cousins and friends after a long time strengthens relationships. New stories are shared and old memories are rekindled. However, in addition to visiting your hometown, you may want to discover more and explore other fascinating places in the country. Some of the top summer holiday destinations in India  are closer than you may think. Head out to the hills with your parents. They too will appreciate the fresh air.

2. Improve your Social Skills

Many students prefer spending their vacations by being closer to home. They prefer building a better community. Importantly, they wish to develop their social skills. Visiting old people in old age homes and volunteering at NGOs are two of the most popular activities. Interestingly, when done with best friends, both activities turn out to be fun and memorable. Volunteering also gives you skills which will help you later in your professional life. 

3. Create a Blog

You love to read, and yes, you can't part with reading even if it's not related to scoring more in the exams. Well, you may want to share some of your newly found wisdom with friends and family. Now, the easy way would be to directly share a link onto a very social networking site. Hey, but that's too simple. We suggest you write a blog. Set up a blog and actually write what you think on a particular topic which you seem to enjoy. You may even retell fables and fairy tales with a modern twist to suit present conditions. You can then link to this write-up on a social wall or handle and sit back and enjoy friends commenting on your post. Remember to take all feedback or comments positively or with a pinch of salt!
4. Cook

Cooking is a new rage. Plating up perfectly is now a new skill to be learned. Chefs, sous chefs and master chefs on television food shows prepare three-course meals, delicious dishes or whip up desserts with such finesse which easily have our mouths watering. All this leads to just one important activity - to cook. Learning to cook helps you, your mom, and even your family. Make your mama proud, learn to cook!
5. Visit the Museum

Why? Why History all over again? Why do we suggest that you visit the museum? Artefacts from antiquity, relics from the ages, fragments of old, ancient pieces of past lives - it's for these and more, we suggest you head to the museum. Take friends along. You sure will have stories to tell. Make it a one-day trip to town and you may land up visiting heritage monuments too!

6. Learn a New Hobby 

Cooking, gardening, dancing, pottery, painting, photography, the list of vacation hobby classes is seemingly unending. Pick up a newspaper and you may find a class of your interest being conducted very close to home. Learning something new always makes life interesting. So, cultivate a hobby in the holidays which will perhaps grow all through the year to add value not only to your daily routine but also to the lives of all those around. 
7. Play Longer

No other aspect of the holidays is as thrilling as playing all day long! Not coming home to study at a particular time. No fixed period of play. A game of football can be followed by a match of cricket. If you've bowled all your friends out in no time outdoors, then you can challenge them to a longer game of Chess or Scrabble indoors. Summer holiday time is that one time in the year when you can afford to play non-stop and your parents won't mind. Make the most of it!

Claylan Menezes
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