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10 December: Human Rights Day

10 December was proclaimed as Human Rights Day during the UN General Assembly in the year 1950. ‘Human Rights 365’ is the theme for the year 2014. It implies that every day is a Human Rights Day and each of us is entitled to human rights. Human rights are the rights inherent to every individual irrespective of nationality, sex, colour, religion, language or any other factor.


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Here is the list of your rights as a human:


We are all Born Free and Equal: We are born free and equal, and thus, we should be treated in the same way.


Don’t Discriminate: Human rights belong to everybody; thus, there should be no discrimination on any basis.


Right to Life: Every individual has the right to live a safe and happy life.


No Slavery: Nobody has the right to make us slaves. Also, we have no right to make anybody our slave.


No Torture: Nobody has the right to torture or hurt us.


You have Rights No Matter where you Go: So, we are always entitled to our rights.


We are all Equal before the Law: The law is the same for everyone, and thus, it should treat us all equally.


Your Human Rights are Protected by Law: In case of inequality, we can make use of our laws.


No Unfair Detainment: Nobody has the right to put us behind bars without any concrete reason.


Right to Trial: If we are put to trail, it should be in public.


We are Always Innocent till Proven Guilty: We have the right to prove our innocence.


Right to Privacy: Nobody has the right to invade our privacy.


Freedom to Move: Every individual has the right to move anywhere and everywhere.


Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live: We have the right to live in a place we consider safe and move out from a place we consider unsafe.


Right to Nationality: Everybody has the right to belong to their country.


Marriage and Family: Every eligible person has the right to marry and have a family if they want to.


Right to your Own Things: We can own our things and nobody has the right to take it from us without any concrete reason.


Freedom of Thought: We have the right to believe in what we want to believe, to have a religion or to change it if we want.


Freedom of Expression: We have the right to express ourselves, to make up our own minds, to say what we think and to share our ideas with other people.


Right to Public Assembly: We have the right to meet our friends and to work together in peace to defend our rights.


Right to Democracy: We have the right to vote and take part in the functioning of the government of our country.


Social Security: We have the right to be socially secured. We should have access to facilities such as housing, medicine, education etc.


Workers’ Rights: Every grown-up has the right to be employed, to get paid for their work and to join a trade union.


Right to Play: We have the right to relax and rejuvenate.


Food and Shelter for all: We have the right to a good life and shelter.


Right to Education: Every individual has the right to get educated.


Copyright: We have the right to protect our own artistic creations and writings.


Fair and Free World: We have the right to enjoy rights and freedoms in our own country and all over the world.


Responsibility: We should be responsible enough to protect the rights and freedoms of others.


No one can take away your human rights.


Pratibha Yadav

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