JEE Class main Answered
why does this smoke shows this straight up pattern and then diverge after a short distance?

Asked by ojasgarg96 | 26 Feb, 2023, 22:06: PM
Smoke rises upward due to buoyancy force.
when smoke just comes out of flame , its temperature is high , pressure and density is greater near flame (but less than air density ).
After certai height , its temperature decreases , hence pressure and density decreases .
Particles of smoke is not absorbed or destroyed , then mass flow rate remains same due to mass conservation.
mass flow rate = ρ × u × A
where ρ is density , u is speed of smoke particle and A is area of crosssection .
Hence to maintain steady mass flow rate , if density and speed decreases , then area of crosssection will increase .
Hence smoke diverges after short distance.
Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 26 Feb, 2023, 22:38: PM
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JEE main - Physics
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