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JEE Main Practice Test

JEE Main is a tough exam to crack. It is known to be one of the most difficult engineering exams in the country, and it has millions of applicants vying for seats in a few renowned colleges. Everyone wants to get into the best college which makes clearing this entrance exam even tougher. The JEE Main study solution at TopperLearning teaches the entire JEE syllabus and is thoughtfully prepared by academic experts. Along with concise notes, regular video lectures are also conducted and uploaded on the site for students to learn better.

Physics, Chemistry and Maths are three subjects that you need to master before answering the JEE exams. Physics is one of the important subjects of JEE Main. The questions in Physics are quite tricky and are based on theoretical concepts and applications. It is important to understand the concept first, and practise questions based on each topic from both question categories – theoretical and numerical. The Chemistry syllabus mainly comprises 3 sections—Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Organic Chemistry. And finally, there’s Maths, which includes Sets, Relations and Functions, Complex Numbers, Matrices, Binomial Theorem, Sequence and Series, Calculus etc.

JEE Main Study Material

JEE Main study material includes video lessons, previous years’ question papers, webinars, JEE Main syllabus and JEE Advanced syllabus. These study resources are detailed and can help students give their best shot at the examination. The resources are updated regularly, and we ensure that no aspirant is behind in their preparation. Going through our detailed and planned study material and solving as many of our practice questions as possible will take students a long way. Not just that, our webinars allow students to interact with our subject matter experts and they can raise their doubts during the session. Students can also ask questions in our Ask a Doubt section at any time

Why should you prepare online for JEE Main with TopperLearning?

  • You can prepare in the comfort of your home.
  • E-learning saves you the time from browsing multiple books.
  • Online classes is the new norm and the future of education.
  • Saves time and energy which will be spent on commuting.
  • Resources are available 24/7.