ICSE Class 10 Answered
why acids produces h+ion
Asked by chandanavroy | 09 Jul, 2022, 00:37: AM
Dear Student,
According to Bronsted-Lowry concept, acids are proton donor and bases are proton acceptor.
For example, in the following reaction,
NH3 + HCl → NH4Cl or (NH4+Cl-)
Ammonia has a lone apir of electrons. In HCl, hydrogen and chlorine has covalent bond.
The electron pair of covalent bond is slightly shifted more towards more electronegative chlorine than electropositive hydrogen resulting into formation of partial positive charge on hydrogen and partial negative charge on chlorine.
The partially positive hydrogen get attrated towards lone pair of electrons on nitrogen atom. Hence HCl is proton donor that is Bonsted-Lowry acid.
Ammonia is proton acceptor that is Bronsted-Lowry base)
Answered by | 09 Jul, 2022, 13:18: PM
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