CBSE Class 11-science Answered
what is scope of physics?
Asked by kumurai121 | 21 Apr, 2021, 12:52: PM
Physics is required for any branch of science and technology.
Even in Chemistry and Biological sciences physical principles are followed .
For example , thermodynamics , atomic structure is common to physics and chemistry.
Biomechanics describes how our muscles exert forces for our different actions.
To my knowledge , physics is not used for commercial software development work.
But computers, electronic gadgets and communication devices are using semiconductors that are developed
using the knowledge of semiconductor physics.
Civil engineering and mechanical engineering uses mwchanics, dynamics, strength of materials that are basically physics .
Electrical enginnering uses electromagnetism . Chemical engineering uses thermodynamics and fluid dynamics.
Metallurgical engineering uses solid state physics .
It is impossible to find a field in science and technology where physic is not used.
Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 21 Apr, 2021, 14:09: PM
CBSE 11-science - Physics
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Asked by korambasireddy5392 | 08 Aug, 2021, 16:54: PM
CBSE 11-science - Physics
Asked by kumurai121 | 21 Apr, 2021, 12:52: PM
CBSE 11-science - Physics
Asked by nagarjunamolugunagarjuna | 21 Dec, 2020, 07:14: AM