CBSE Class 12-science Answered
what are the factors that influence the adsorption of gas on a solid
Asked by niharikapabba2605 | 07 Aug, 2018, 11:35: AM
Factors that influence the adsorption of a gas on a solid
1. Nature and surface area of adsorbent:
Greater the surface area of the adsorbent, greater is the volume of gas adsorbed.
Due to this reason, substances like charcoal and silica gel are best adsorbents because they have high surface area and highly porous structure.
2. Temperature:
It is observed that the adsorption decreases with the increase of temperature.
For example, one gram of charcoal adsorbs about 10 ml of N2 at 273 K, 20 ml at 244 K and 45 ml at 195 K.
3. Pressure:
At constant temperature, the adsorption of gas increases with the increase of pressure.
At low temperature, the adsorption of gas increases very rapidly as the pressure is increased.
4. Activation of the solid adsorbent:
For detail explanation please click on below link:
Answered by Varsha | 07 Aug, 2018, 12:01: PM
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