CBSE Class 9 Answered
propagation of sound
Asked by ashishyadav | 22 Mar, 2021, 05:20: AM
A material medium is necessary for the propagation of sound. It can be solid, liquid or gas.
The disturbance which moves through a medium when the particles of the medium set the neighbouring particles into motion is known as a wave.
A sound wave can be considered the propagation of pressure or density variations in the medium, i.e. it propagates in a medium as a series of compressions and rarefactions.
A region of compressed air (increased density or pressure) is called a compression (C) and that of rarefied air (decreased density or pressure) is called a rarefaction (R).
A vibrating object produces a series of compressions and rarefactions in the medium.
Answered by Shiwani Sawant | 22 Mar, 2021, 10:16: AM
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