NEET Class neet Answered
how to think

Asked by ansh.bharso | 16 Aug, 2022, 13:42: PM
Let us analyze each option
(1) Perpendicular to field.
When charged particle move in a direction perpendicular to magnetic field ,
charged particle is subjected to ( v × B ) force in a direction mutually perpendicular to the
velocity of particle and direction of magnetic field . Hence it moves in a circular path.
Magnetic force is proportional to the magnitude of velocity of charged particle
When charged particle move in a direction perpendicular to electric field ,
charged particle is subjected to force qE in the direction of electric field .
Hence it moves in a parabolic path.
Electric force is independent of the magnitude of velocity of charged particle .
(2) Parallel to field
When charged particle move in a direction parallel to magnetic field ,
charged particle is not subjected to any force and its motion is unaffected
When charged particle move in a direction parallel to electric field ,
charged particle is subjected to force qE in the direction of electric field .
Hence it motion is accelerated if directions of charged particle and that of
electric field are same . If the direction of charged particle is opposite to the
direction of electric field then motion of charged particle is retarded.
(3) From Opposite directions
It is assumed that ' From opposite directions ' means direction of velocity of
charged particle is in opposite direction to the direction of field.
The effect is as explained in part(2) ' Parallel to field '
(4) With different speeds
If the field is magnetic field and direction of velocity of charged particle is perpendicualr
to the direction of magnetic field, then as explained in part-(1) , charged particle will move
in circular path. Radius of circular path is proportional to magnitude of velocity of charged particle.
If the field is magnetic field and direction of velocity is parallel to the direction of
magnetic field, then as explained in part-(2) , motion of charged particle is unaffected because
there is no magnetic force acting when charged particle is moving in a direction parallel to that of magnetic field.
If the field is electric field and direction of velocity of charged particle is perpendicualr to
the direction of electric field, then as explained in part-(1) , charged particle will be deviated and
move in parabolic path. Deviation from its initial path depends on magnitude of velocity of charged particle.
If the field is electric field and direction of velocity is parallel to the direction of magnetic field,
then as explained in part-(2) , motion of charged particle is either accelerated or retarded
depends upon the direction of velocity of charged particle.
As explained above , all the above methods give the possibility of distinguishing the type of field,
whether it is electric or magnetic.
Best option is when the velocity of charged particle moves in a direction perpendicular to
that of field. If field is magnetic, then charged particle will move in circular path otherwise
it will move in parabolic path.
Answered by Thiyagarajan K | 16 Aug, 2022, 17:10: PM
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