CBSE Class 11-science Answered
choose the correct alternative:
Asked by | 12 Sep, 2009, 02:11: AM
Since the options are not clearly specified and are confusing,
we'll give correct statements for each option,
(a) acceleration due to gravity decreases with increasing altitute.
(b) acceleration due to gravity decreases with increasing depth.
(c) acceleration due to gravity depends on the mass of earth and independent of the mass of the body.
(d) the formula -GMm(1/r2-1/r1)is more accurate than the formula mg(r2-r1)for the difference of potential energy between two points r2 and r1 distance away from the center of the earth.
Answered by | 12 Sep, 2009, 14:01: PM
CBSE 11-science - Physics
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