CBSE Class 11-science Answered
Acute angle between the medians drawnfrom the acute angles of the right angled isosceles triangle is

Asked by shuvankarpaul78 | 21 Dec, 2020, 18:36: PM
Let OAB be an isosceles right angled triangle right angle at O.
O is the origin, A is on x-axis and B is on y-axis.
Let OA = a and OB = b i.e. A is (a, 0) and B is (0, b)
Consider C and D as the midpoints of OB and OA respectively.
So, AC and BD are medians drawn from acute angles.
Now, the coordinates of C and D are (0, b/2) and (a/2, 0)
Slope of AC = -1/2 and slope of BD = -2
Let theta be the ngle between AC and BD, we have

Answered by Renu Varma | 22 Dec, 2020, 10:50: AM
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CBSE 11-science - Maths
Acute angle between the medians drawnfrom the acute angles of the right angled isosceles triangle is

Asked by shuvankarpaul78 | 21 Dec, 2020, 18:36: PM
CBSE 11-science - Maths
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CBSE 11-science - Maths
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