ICSE Class 10 Chemistry Metallurgy
Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals
Metals and Non-metals
This video explains the classification of elements into metals and non-meta... -
Metals and Non-metals
This video gives the comparison between the physical properties of metals a... -
Metals and Non-metals
This video contains questions on the classification of metals and non-metal...
Chemical Properties of Metals
Metals and Non-metals
The video explains electropositivity and electronegativity of metals and no... -
Metals and Non-metals
This video explains chemical reactions of metals and non-metals with oxygen... -
Metals and Non-metals
This video contains practice questions on the chemical properties of metals...
Metals in Nature
Metals and Non-metals
This video explains the reactivity series and the corrosion of metals. -
Metals and Non-metals
This video explains corrosion, rusting and alloys. -
Metals and Non-metals
This video contains practice questions on the reactivity series, corrosion,...
Metallurgy of Aluminum
This video is about Refining of Aluminium -
This video is about Electrolytic Reduction of Fused Alumina -
This video is about Concentration of ore
Metallurgy of Zinc
Physical Properties of Metals and Non-Metals
Physical properties of metals and non-metals
The video discusses the difference in the physical properties of metals and...
Chemical Properties of Metals
Displacement Reaction of Metals based on Reactivity
This video explains how more reactive metal displaces less reactive meta... -
Displacement reaction
This video is based on the example of displacement reaction -
Uses of Metals
This video is based on the Uses of Metals -
Displacement reaction
This video is based on the example of displacement reaction -
Reaction of Metals With Oxygen
The video discusses the Reaction of Metals With Oxygen
Metallurgy of Aluminum
Metallurgy of Zinc
Extraction of Pure Metals in the Middle of Activity Ser ...
The video explains the steps involved in the extraction of pure metals p...