CBSE Class 7 Science Seed Formation and Seed Dispersal
- Describe the verious ways by which seeds are dispersed .
- Name the reproduction method of Xanthium and cockle Burr
- From which part of flower do the below parts develop:(a) Fruit(b) Seeds
- What is hybridisation?
- Name the following:(i) Two hard fruits.(ii) The protective structure enclosing the embryo.
- What would happen if all the seeds of a plant were to fall at the same place and grow there?
- Give two examples each of:(a) Fruits which are fleshy and juicy.(b) Seeds dispersed when fruits burst with sudden jerks
- Mention two ways in which plants get benefit by seed dispersal.
- (a) Name three agents of seed and fruit dispersal.(b) Which type of seeds gets dispersed by water? Give an example.
- Diagrammatically represent any three seeds which are dispersed by wind.